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夜猫子更富创造力。Night owls are more creative.

你可能是“夜猫子”或介于两者之间。You may be a "night person" or something in between.

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她妈妈说,马切伊卡一直是个夜猫子。Macejka was always a night owl, according to her mother.

我坐在那看着克里克先生,好象一个小夜猫子一样,冲着他直眨巴眼儿。I sit with my eye on Mr. Creakle, blinking at him like a young owl.

一个是作个夜猫子,而另外一个方法是“早上起来的第一件事情就是做最重要的事情”。One is called being a night-owl, the other is called the MIT factor.

也可能你是个夜猫子,在凌晨会创作出精彩的设计。Maybe you’re a night owl who cranks out great design during the wee hours.

她的丈夫喜欢晚上熬夜。“我绝对是一个夜猫子”,他说。Her husband likes to stay up late. "I'm definitely an evening type," he says.

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你知道的,很多新闻工作者和音乐节目主持人都是夜猫子。You know, there are a lot of night people among newspaper men and disc jockeys.

其中这区是公开夜猫子、芒果布甸的闪烁星月刊呀!Among This Is Public Owlowsims, Orange_apple87 Sparklingstar Monthly Publication!

我喜欢上夜班,我也不知是为什麽,你可以叫我是“夜猫子”。I love to work night shifts, I don't know why but you could call me a "night person".

你是天生的“夜猫子精英”吗?Are you a member of the sleepless elite? High-flyers who get by on a few hours a night

这个服务也使得亚洲用户下班后无法收发邮件,美洲的夜猫子们也是一样。The service was also out for after-work e-mailers in Asia and night owls in the Americas.

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我的朋友尼娜常常开夜车工作,天亮了才上床睡觉。她是个夜猫子。My friend Nina often burns the midnight oil and goes to bed at daybreak. She's a night owl.

在不用早起上课的诱惑下,孩子们很可能会因此成为一个个小夜猫子。With no school to get up for in the morning, it can be tempting to let kids become night owls.

现在,我首先说明一下,如果你是一个“夜猫子”,并且这样对你的工作很有效,我认为这就很棒了。Now, let me first say that if you are a night owl, and that works for you, I think that’s great.

现在,我首先要说的是,如果你是个夜猫子,而且你很做得来,我认为那很好。Now, let me first say that if you are a night owl , and that works for you, I think that's great.

我的妻子是一个真正的夜猫子,周日不到正午是绝不会醒来的。所以我们只有各顾各的肚子了。My wife, a true night owl, would never wake before noon on Sundays, so we used to fend for ourselves.

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他是一个夜猫子。他的立体声音响半夜的时候经常把我吵醒。我经常被突然的声响吵醒。He is a nighthawk. His stereo often keeps me awake to midnight. And I'm usually awaked by a sudden noise.

我打仗没经验,可还没嫩到象只夜猫子,大白天站在光秃秃的湖滩地上,让人用枪打死。I'm young in war, but not so young as to stand on an open beach to be shot down like an owl, by daylight.

科学家已证实存在“夜猫子精英”一族,对这些为数不多的人来说,睡懒觉就是在浪费生命。Scientists have identified a 'sleepless elite' – a small group of people for whom a lie-inis a waste of time.