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他身上被打中了几枪,差一点就没命了。He was hit by several bullets, and almost died.

如果当时他们放弃了搜寻,那么我就没命了。If they had given up searching, I would have died.

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大部分是鲫鱼,没命地在湍急的流水中撒野。Most of crucian carp, lives in in running water wild.

在那人的帮助下,天林没命地朝医院跑去。With that man's help, Tianlin ran desperately for the hospital.

要是不及时退烧,年轻人就没命了。The fever,if not brought down,might and would kill the young fellow.

村民拉达.瑞塔普说︰「假如没有他,我们早就没命了。」"If not for him, most of us would be dead by now, " villager Lada Rentap said.

人们有心要宽恕都怕它死性不改,再咬一口那可真的没命了。People are afraid of this untamed beast as one more bite from it will be fatal.

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窗的厚度是9寸,要是破裂,所有的人转眼就没命。These windows are 9 inches thick. If they go, it's sayonara in two microseconds.

苏克雷踩到了一个地雷上,如果抬脚他就没命了。Sucre steps on an explosive mine and cannot lift his foot without it being blown off.

冰怪没命的袭击盖尔达,但是她手持十字架向上帝祈祷。The ice monster tried to attack Gelda, but she prayed to God holding her cross in her hand.

如果迫击炮后紧接着是枪雨,他就没命和我们讲当时的情景了。If the mortar attack had been followed by gunshots, he might not have lived to tell the tale.

但是父母若失去理智,没命地毒打时,就一定要躲要逃了!However, if our parents lose their minds and beat us viciously , then it's time to run and hide!

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我敢肯定,如果再晚几个小时发现他,他可能就没命了。He was in need, and I'm pretty sure that within a couple more hours he would have been a dead man.

真正鼓舞我们,促使我们行动的原因就是,如果我们不这么干,本德拉就没命了。What was really encouraging us and pushing us on was that if we did not do this Gienek would be killed.

“别,哈姆!”我叫道,试图拉回他,“不用试着去救那可怜的水手!你自己会没命的!”No, Ham! ' I cried, trying to hold him back. ' Don't try to rescue that poor sailor! You'll kill yourself! '

有些药品生产商就正像对女性更年期那样,没命地向你推销这个吓人的概念的解决方案。As with the female menopause, some drugs manufacturers are keen to offer solutions for this frightening idea.

妈妈告诉我村里人把我救上来的,我在水里可游了好几百米,差点都没命了。Mother told me i was rescued by a villager, I swam in the river a few hundreds meters and almost lost my life.

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一位丹佛的医生跟唐说要是他们再耽搁一会儿,孩子就没命了。One of the Denver doctors told Don that the boy would have died if they had waited any longer to get him to a hospital.

妈妈告诉我村里人把我救上来的,我在水里可游了好几百米,差点都没命了。Mother told me that I had been carried by the water for several hundred meters before I was rescued by some country folk.

本来他很可能没命,但他却在iPhone里一款野外急救软件的指导下自行处理伤口,最终幸免于难。He could have died, but he ultimately survived with the help of an iPhone first-aid app that taught him to treat his wounds.