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她自称是女权运动者。She is professedly a feminist.

打电话来的是安德烈,自称金姆在他手上。It is Andre, who says he has Kim.

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他自称是一个保守主义者。He listed himself as a conservative.

该侦探说,广田明自称健三的兄弟。Ming claimed he was Kenzo's brother.

至少它们自称是保罗的书信。that claim to be by Paul--in our bible.

很多人甚至自称“屌丝”。Many people even call themselves diaosi.

他无权自称为专家。He has no right to term himself an expert.

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潘迪特先生自称“维克拉姆”,并且认为这只是一个小小的提问而已。Mr. Pandit identified himself as "Vikram."

里奇·德拉诺是竹制纺织品公司的创办者,他自称是第一个用竹子织布的人。Rich Delano is founder of Bamboo Textiles.

那支乐队自称“性手枪”。The band calls themselves the Sex Pistols.

首先,为什么它自称为一份报纸?First, why does it call itself a newspaper?

我想起来了,你自称是艺术商人。I remember you now , the so-call art dealer.

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他自称拥有的多项专利均查无实据。Patents he claimed to have filed did not exist.

范冰冰自称“来自唐朝的你”。Fan Bingbing claimed "from Tang Dynasty to you".

他的拥趸甚至开始以“沃伊脑残粉”自称。His fans even began calling themselves Vayniacs.

我当然不想自称已经对欲望控制自如了。I certainly don’t claim to have mastered desire.

如果柏拉图是一名法西斯份子,那你们又该如何自称?If Plato is a fascist, ? what does that make you?

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他自称的角色是极端苛求的。It's a very tall order that he claims for himself.

多数人自称独立人士或无党派人士。Most called themselves independent or unaffiliated.

这位自称“博士”的人没有任何学位。The self-styled "doctor" has no degree of any kind.