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请寄大码的生产前办!Pls send PP sample in size large!

他花了他的童年在产前和祖鲁兰。He spent his childhood in Natal and Zululand.

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中国考虑对孕妇实施艾滋病产前例行检查。China mulls routine HIV test for pregnant women.

也许她做过产前亲子鉴定。She may have had a prenatal paternity test done.

产前咨询课程已经取得了一些成功。The pre-delivery programs have shown some success.

给自己一点恩惠吧,安排一次产前按摩。Do yourself a favor and schedule a prenatal massage.

Volt是通用汽车在破产前所保留的所剩无几的车型之一。The car is one of the few vestiges of pre-bankruptcy GM.

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什么样的表现可以称之为是产前焦虑症了呢?What kind of performance anxiety can be called a pre-out?

了解产前检测染色体异常检测。Learn about prenatal testing for chromosomal abnormalities.

孕妇可以从GP和助产士处得到定期产前保健。Pregnant can get regular ante-natal care from GPs and Midwifes.

通常在产前检查时发现此肿瘤约为怀孕22周以后。Antenatal diagnosis is usually made after 22 weeks of gestation.

如果我们有一种自闭症的产前检查,这是否是可欲的?If there was a prenatal test for autism, would this be desirable?

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目的对脆性X综合征进行产前基因筛查与诊断。Objective To screen and diagnose fragile X syndrome prenatally by PCR.

Y代表生产前x单位的平均直接劳动时间is the average number of direct labour hours to produce First xth units

结论产前MRI对于诊断胎盘植入具有重要价值。Conclusion MRI is valuable for prenatal diagnosis of placental invasion.

工厂在生产前是否进行产前会议?Does factory conduct Pre-production meeting prior to start of production?

目的探讨产前胎儿超声检查对胎儿脐膨出的诊断价值。Objective To evaluate the function ential diagnosis of fetal omphalocele.

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直到产前样被确认后才可以开裁生产大货。No bulk cutting is permitted until pre-production sample has been approved.

是否生产人员与工厂QC都出席生产前会议?Are both production and factory QC represented at the pre-production meeting?

大多数孕妇未做产前检查,往往在家中分娩。Most pregnant women did not receive prenatal checkups and gave birth at home.