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人类的确聪明绝顶。Humans are clever.

最难熬的日子也有绝顶。The longet day has an end.

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富有创造力、才华横溢、聪明绝顶。Creative, talented, brilliant.

现饶暌估恒地消逝踪在视线的绝顶。Be now for ever taken from my sight.

这绝对是一个聪明绝顶的主意——千真万确!It's a clever idea -- no doubt about it!

像巍峨绝顶的层层深蓝云峰。Like towering peaks of dark-blue clouds.

你现在站在黄金时辰的绝顶。Now stand you on the top of happy hours.

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聪明绝顶的完美主义者。Fiercely intelligent and a perfectionist.

那他还真是聪明绝顶啊。This shows he was incredibly intelligent.

但是我听到了一支绝顶甜柔的歌曲。But I heard a song of exceeding sweetness.

我们都是聪明绝顶的人物。We are both incredibly intelligent people.

但是我听到了一支绝顶甜柔的歌曲。But I heard an utterly sweet and soft songs.

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这个产品绝顶的好,我们最近在休假。We were recently on vair conditioningditionerine!

这间公开室在旱季绝顶湿润。This cellar room is very dfirm in the rainy season.

这个简单而聪明绝顶的计划让我充满了希望。The simple brilliance of the plan filled me with hope.

河和它的纳贡者正在到达绝顶他们的岸。The river and its tributaries are cresting their banks.

滴答滴答,年光转瞬即逝,再也听不到时刻的声音,生命已经到了绝顶。Tick, Tick, never hear it. The life has step in the end.

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我曾经对自身的舞技感到绝顶羞愧,所以很少与友人外出。I used to be very self-conscious in regard to my dancing.

所以政府对这个题目绝顶清楚,我们是不会搞错的。The Government is very clear on this. We did not get it wrong.

她不仅绝顶聪明,而且非常务实。She was not only extremely intelligent but also very practical.