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他们撞沉了鱼雷艇。They sank my boat.

无论是皇家空军的轰炸机或是鱼雷艇都还没能威胁到她。bomb or torpedo had yet shaken her.

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我方面鱼雷艇向敌巡洋舰冲去。Our torpedo boats bore down on the enemy cruiser.

鱼雷艇在第二次世界大战中发挥了重要作用。Torpedo boats played an important role during World War Two.

我立即抬头寻找,看见三艘德国鱼雷艇正在接近海岸。I looked and saw three German torpedo boats approaching the shore.

这封信还对以色列鱼雷艇对叙利亚港口中的一般苏联商船进行攻击提出尖锐的抗议。That message also sharply protested an attack by Isreali torpedo boats on a Soviet merchant ship in a Syrian harbor.

帝国海军带着鱼雷艇、航空母舰以及各种长枪短炮占领了大海,并守财奴一般地小心看护着。The Imperial Japanese Navy with their Long Lance torpedoes, aircraft carriers and big guns had captured the sea and guarded it jealously.

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今天下午,有两条花旗炮舰,三条东洋鱼雷艇,奉到紧急命令,开汉口去,不知道为什么。This afternoon two American gun-boats and three Japanese torpedo-boats left for Hankow under urgent orders, though I don't know what for.

在东海岸和英吉利海峡,小船在敌人越来越多的飞机,快速鱼雷艇和水雷的袭击下,继续往来。On the east coast and in the English Channel small vessels continued to ply under an ever-increasing attack by air, by E-boat and by mines.

他自己也几乎遇难,当时一架日本战机把他的鱼雷艇截成两半,他被抛入水中,但他从水里救起另一名水手,一起安然逃生。He nearly lost his own life, too, when a Japanese gunship cut his PT boat in half, casting him into the water, from which he swam a crewmate to safety.

后来北洋水师退入威海卫以自保,定远被突入港内的日军鱼雷艇击中,被迫搁浅。Later Beiyang Navy retreated to Weihaiwei Military Port for self protection. Warship Dingyuan was shot by torpedoes of Japanese Navy penetrating into the port and it was forced to ground.

一九四三年八月一日晚上,美国鱼雷艇一○九号在所罗门群岛布莱克特海峡巡逻,被一艘日本驱逐舰撞个正着,断为两截,着火焚烧。On the night of 1 August 1943, USS PT-109 was patrolling the Blackett Strait in the Solomon Islands when a Japanese destroyer crashed into the boat, splitting it in two and sending it into flames.