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望着这个绞刑架总是有益的。That gibbet is always good to look at.

如果被抓,那么直接上绞刑架!If caught, then straight to the gallows!

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1927年他牺牲在军阀的绞刑架上。In 1927 he died on the gallows of the warlords.

现在我将在绞刑架上赎我一切的罪过。Now i was to expiate all my offences at the gallows.

我的发现任何证据可以挽救她的父亲从绞刑架?Can Minha find evidence to save her father from the gallows?

这个绞刑架成为这座博物馆第一件文物。The scaffold became the first item in the museum’s collection.

因此,我国借口绞刑架幽默贯穿这个故事。Thus my excuse for the gallows humor that pervades this story.

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吓得猛地向后跳了一步,拔剑盯着绞刑架。Siggard leapt back in shock, drawing his sword and staring at the gibbet.

实际上,绞刑架形式各异,但即便如此,也往往要凑出13这个数字。Gallows actually varied wildly, but even then, the number was often brought up to 13.

路的另一边立着一个绞刑架,用麻绳挂在架子上的腐尸正微微的摆动着。On the other side stood a gibbet, a decaying corpse dangling from it by a worn hemp rope.

他可能是被放在原木的绞刑架上,然后竖起来,成为松弛的、胎儿一般的姿势。He was probably put on a crude wooden gibbet and made to stand in a loose, foetal position.

炼金术士穿着金丝织成的衣服,被吊死在镀金的绞刑架上。The alchemist would be dressed in a tinsel suit and hanged from a gallows covered in gold-colored foil.

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从前,在绞刑架还没有发明之前,罪犯是站在梯子的顶端被吊死的。In the old days, before the invention of the gallows, criminals were hanged from the top rung of a ladder.

人们可以为此牺牲生命,在归属认同的问题上,人们不惜走上绞刑架,不惜被关入集中营。People die over that. People have gone to the gallows and concentration camps over the issue of who they are.

他们先上绞刑架,半死后,割下生殖器,并当着犯人面烧毁。They would be hanged until half-dead, upon which their genitals would be cut off and burned in front of them.

私盐商贩们逃脱了王室的绞刑架,颈子上的绞索还没有解下来,便又戴上白帽微。The contraband salt dealer escapes the royal gibbets , and with a rope's end round his neck, mounts the white cockade.

啊!这耳边的声音,是夜晚北风的呼啸,还是吊死者在绞刑架上的吁叹?Ah! Could what I hear be the yelping of the cold night wind, or the hanged man giving forth a sigh on the gallows fork.

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如果你不马上将刀子放进口袋里,我可以用名誉担保,下次巡回法庭审判时一定送你上绞刑架。If you do not put that knife this instant in your pocket I promise, upon my honour, you shall hang at the next assizes.

我的手指指着他,只消一动,就可以把他从布道坛上抛到牢狱中去——甚至还会把他抛到绞刑架上!My finger, pointed at this man, would have hurled him from his pulpit into a dungeon- thence, peradventure, to the gallows!

我的手指指着他,只消一动,就可以把他从布道坛上抛到牢狱中去——甚至还会把他抛到绞刑架上。My finger, pointed at this man, would have hurled him from his pulpit into a dungeon, thence, peradventure , to the gallows!