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一段会话。It is a conversation.

让我们在会话中创造一座城。Let us create a city in speech.

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我正在学英语会话。I'm learning English conversation.

当您登出时会话结束。The session ends when you log out.

我会一些日常会话的英语.I know some conversational English.

它提供了票证和会话密钥。It provides ticket and session keys.

维护用户会话相关状态Maintaining user session-related state

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与你的朋友分享会话。Share your conversations with friends.

这将会断开您的调试会话。This will disconnect your debug session.

两者都用于支持基于会话的数据。Both are used to support per-session data.

每篇会话中的人物在什么地方?Where are the people in each conversation?

向下滚动列表并双击会话。Scroll down the list and double-click session.

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将加密的会话密钥发送给服务器。Sends the encrypted session key to the server.

但会话实现并非如此。This is not true for the session implemention.

露易斯西班牙语的写作水平和会话水平一样好。Louise writes Spanish as well as she speaks it.

但是,每个会话的行是独立的。The rows, however, are independent per session.

当用户会话结束时,将关闭所有任务页。All task pages close when the user session ends.

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它结束于会话被销毁或过期时。End it when the session is destroyed or expired.

按名称获取或设置会话状态项值。Gets or sets a session-state item value by name.

所支持协议间的协议会话。Protocol conversion between supported protocols.