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枪炮喷吐出火舌。The gun spits fire.

烟囱喷吐出浓烟。The chimney ejects smoke.

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熔岩从火山喷吐出来了。Lava spewed forth from the volcano.

当今的中国龙正喷吐着火焰!!Today's ChineseDragon spits fire ! !

慢慢喷吐着从树叶上滴下。Gushed slowly dripping out of the leaves.

他说话快了就爱喷吐沫星。He's inclined to spit when he talks quickly.

他说话快了就爱喷吐沫星。He is inclined to spit when he talks quickly.

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工厂的烟囱向空中喷吐着浓烟。The factory chimneys puff dense smoke into the air.

我希望吸烟者对着你的脸上喷吐烟雾时,你会感到恶心。I hope you get sick when someone blows smoke in your face.

花园里有一个池塘,里面一个喷泉喷吐着水花。There was a pond in the garden in which a fountain played.

有些科学家预言,这里的泥浆也许会不停地喷吐几十年。Some scientists predict mud may keep spewing here for decades.

这里汽车排成了长龙,排气管不断地喷吐着尾气。Here car line the long dragon, the exhaust pipe constantly spew exhaust.

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这个怪兽拥有喷吐和击打攻击,变成蝙蝠和心灵传输技能。This monster can spit and hit you, turn into a bat and teleport himself.

最后苏直言相告,要那人不要冲她这边喷吐烟雾。Finally Sue speaks up and asks the person not to blow the smoke in her direction.

在这套组曲的下半部,人声开始喷吐,变成不断落入背景声的污迹。In the suite's second half, the vocals become spinning smears that fall into the background.

这些重型爆矢枪喷吐的火网足以将任何敌人的步兵与轻装甲车辆撕成碎片。These heavy bolters provide a storm of fire, to cut swathes through enemy infantry and light vehicles.

相反,人眼所感知的水星是一块到处布满活火焰山与弹坑、并不断喷吐熔浆的大陆。Instead the human eye perceives Mercury as a land of active volcanoes and craters continuously spewing lava.

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他们口中喷吐恶言,嘴里有刀,他们说有谁听见。See what they spew from their mouths- they spew out swords from their lips, and they say, 'Who can hear us?'

那天我漫不经心地在搅合一种新的制剂,忘记把炉火调小,沸腾的混合物很快变成嘶嘶作响的怪物,把液体喷吐了一地。I forgot to turn down the stove setting, and the bubbly mixture changed to a hissing monster, spitting liquid all over the floor.

朝鲜借此机会展示了一些国家军事装备。有火箭发射器,喷吐烟雾的导弹和坦克。North Korea used the event to show off some of its military hardware. There were rocket launchers, missiles and tanks spewing smoke.