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他的女儿们愤愤不平。His daughters were resentful.

看郝建国这样冲动,牛一蓓也愤愤不平!See HaoJianGuo so impulsive, cow a bud also gravamen!

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我和姐姐听了,气得咬牙切齿,愤愤不平地走回家去。My sister and I listen to and gnash, resentfully to walk home.

愤愤不平的、防御性的民族主义,还是自信的、自豪的民族主义?An aggrieved, defensive nationalism, or a confident and proud nationalism?

帕蒂告诉其他妈妈,乔伊当然对此愤愤不平。Which, of course—as Patty told the other mothers—struck Joey as an outrage.

他愤愤不平地诉说着经理对他的错误所作的不公正处罚。He raved about the unjust punishment made by the manager regarding his fault.

很多在那里的中国人对中国人毁了普拉托市的观念很愤愤不平。Yet many Chinese in Prato are offended at the idea that they have ruined the city.

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矿工们愤愤不平地抱怨说政府没有履行诺言。Miners have complained bitterly that the government did not fulfill their promises.

每一天,我都设想他会被他愤愤不平的下属一枪结果掉。Any day, I imagine he will be taken out by the single bullet of an aggrieved underling.

那边厢,愤愤不平的日君已访寻私家侦探,调查嘉莉。Over there, the aggrieved, jun has been seeking private detective, investigating Carrie.

这些国家在市场体系内繁荣发展,总好于它们在市场体系外愤愤不平。It is better for such countries to prosper inside the market system than glower outside it.

我们确实不应因为被称作穷光蛋而愤愤不平。我们的确是穷光蛋,而且还会继续是穷光蛋。We rally should not resent being called paupers. Paupers we are, and paupers we shall remain.

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我们确实不应因为被称作穷光蛋而愤愤不平。我们的确是穷光蛋,而且还会继续是穷光蛋。We really should not resent being called paupers. Paupers we are, and paupers we shall remain.

因未能在案件中找到证据指证卓或,资雅出言安慰愤愤不平的辛勇。After failing to find evidence proves zhuo or in the case, and speak comfort aggrieved XinYong.

大多数的中国年轻人像伦敦的推特网和脸谱网用户一样愤愤不平。Most Chinese young men are just as untamed as Twitterers and Facebookers seem to be in Britain.

一些人仍然对佛罗里达州法院就乔治·齐默尔曼谋杀案审判的裁决愤愤不平。Some are still reacting to a Florida court's decision in the murder trial of George Zimmermann.

考虑到在公园用地上放牧是非法的行为,这些愤愤不平的牧民得不到法律的支持。Given that parkland grazing is illegal, the aggrieved pastoralists are left with no legal recourse.

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倘若他们完成了这一报仇行为,被报仇一方的氏族中任何成员不得有任何理由为此愤愤不平。If they accomplished the deed it was no ground of complaint by any member of the gens of the victim.

愤愤不平和嫉妒都不会改变事实,它只提供给你一种“替代的现实”。Anger resentment and jealousy don't change the reality -- it only provides you the "alternative facts".

商业成功总要依靠与政权的联系,所以中国的不平等才更让人愤愤不平。The perception that commercial success often depends on political ties makes inequality in China more galling.