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上尉吆喝着发号施令。The captain bawled out the orders.

我上了车,她便大声吆喝。And I got in the car and she was screaming.

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我吆喝时那马扬起了头。The horse perked up its head when i shouted.

“我应该吆喝才是,”父亲悲戚地说。I ought to yell, " said my father dolefully ."

义博会借助迪拜展的机会吆喝宣传自己,就是义乌从“坐商”到“行商”的一个转变。This exhibition in Dubai is a mark of Yiwu from passivity to initiative.

悟空一声吆喝。那妖怪便应声倒下,然后变成了一只血肉模糊的大蜘蛛。Wukong gives a yell. That monsters fell, then turned into a bloody big spider.

小摊的商贩会喊,“一英镑两个!”全是那种伦敦佬押韵的吆喝。The stall sellers, "Two for a pound!" all that sort of Cockney, rhyming doodah.

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阿尔塔芒上校的第一个行动是吆喝格雷迪,要他送一品脱白啤酒来。The first act of Colonel Altamont was to bellow to Grady for a pint of pale ale.

那个人吆喝着申明说他盘算索回无目的的索赔。The man affirmed in assertion that he aimed to accost the accidental affirmation.

独立之后我们将不再听候殖民宗主国的吆喝和指使。After independence we would no longer be at the beck and call of the colonial master.

王毛品吆喝了二十来人,在地主家的大门上贴了封条,把地主。Summoning twenty men, Wang put guards over the landlord's house and sealed the doors.

在寺庙外头,小贩吆喝着人们买纸钱、供品,或是一柱柱的香。Outside, vendors encourage people to buy ghost money, food offerings, or incense sticks.

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对于没有信用记录的新手而言,你可能需要牺牲利润来提高分值,赔本赚吆喝。As a newcomer with no credit record, you may have to sacrifice profits to boost your score.

听到这一声吆喝,万帕立刻站了起来,并同时从他的腰带里拔出了一支手枪。At this challenge, Vampa rose quickly, drawing at the same moment a pistol from his girdle.

手里拿有鲜花,不要你大声吆喝,别人也能感知到香味。With fragrant flowers in hand, you don't need to yell out . Others can still smell their fragrance.

这样的吆喝声差不多持续了20多分钟,因为一直无人应和,加入吆喝的人越来越多。Such cries lasted almost 20 minutes, as they have no one to be and, more and more people join the shouting.

她慢慢的逛到路口时,听到有一摆地摊的老伯吆喝到“卖饰品了,漂亮的饰品。She slowly stroll to the junction, heard a man shouting" set up a stall to sell jewelry, beautiful jewelry."

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发现,在市场门口一个小摊贩正在吆喝、售卖内衣,其中就有所谓竹炭纤维的。Found a small stall at the market gate is, selling underwear, among them the so-called bamboo charcoal fiber.

他们对自己的马吆喝了两声,然后默无言语地骑着向前跑了一阵,这时斯图尔特褐色的脸膛上泛起了一抹红晕。They clucked to their horses and rode along in silence for a while, a flush of embarrassment on Stuart's brown cheeks.

他们对自己的马吆喝了两声,然后默无言语地骑着向前跑了一阵,这时斯图尔特褐色的脸膛上泛起了一抹红晕。They clucked to their horses and rode along in silence for a while, a flush of embarrassment on Stuart’s brown cheeks.