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继续进行,留下印记。Keep going. And leave tracks.

将整齐的印记钉入林间的Sets neat prints into the snow

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出纳员在账单上盖上“收讫”印记。The cashier receipted the bill.

求伱将我放在心上如印记。Set me as a seal upon thine heart.

深浅不一的印记,付之一笑的回忆。Shades of mark, and laugh memories.

请快快远去!让它成为你脚下的印记1。Go further! let it serve to trample on1.

请检查印记签署器的打印头!Please check print head of the endorser!

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深浅不一的印记,付之一笑的回忆。Mark two-tone, pay the memories. One laugh.

这一命令是用国王的印记加封的。The order was sealed with the king's signet.

这就是占有者印记如何起源的过程。This is how ownership signatures came to be.

他身上处处留下了这房子的印记。His very body is impregnated with this house.

能逃脱生命印记的只是极少数。Only very little could escape life's imprint.

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印记深深浅浅,平淡的没有感觉。Imprint deep and shallow, flat with no feeling.

这些印记随着季节的变更时有时无。The marks appear and disappear with the seasons.

他有那些人的印记He had that stamp of having been one of the guys.

黏人的小猪身上,留下快乐的印记。On this little piggy happiness leaves its traces.

地面上蓝玻璃铺就的小路刻下了她的印记blue glass stones a path on earth mark her going.

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农场主布朗的牛都烙上了字母“B”的印记。Farmer Brown's cattle are branded with the letter B.

将一物压在另一物上留下的印记。Mark left by pressing an object hard into a surface.

有人用这只笔和墨水练过画印第安印记。Someone practiced Indian marks with this pen and ink.