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星座的俯角降到了地平线以下。The depression of the constellation fell below the horizon.

但须注意,不应用极度的俯角或仰角。But should note that no application of extreme bow Angle or elevation.

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展开后的太阳能电池板面与探测器轨道轴成30度俯角。After deployment, the solar panel plane is canted by 30? to the spacecraft pitch axis.

最后,在已知相机俯角和视场角等信息情况下,推导出了具体的像移补偿公式。At last, derives specific image motion compensation formula about depression and field of view.

在俯角上的身体移动形式和在垂直岩壁上全然不同。The movement pattern for overhangs is entirely different to the movement pattern for vertical walls.

为了对地面目标进行有效测量,必须事先求得临界俯角。In order to detect the target effectively, the critical depression angle must be obtained in advance.

俯视雷达测量地面目标时会受到临界俯角的限制。A down-looking radar was limited by a critical depression angle when it detects the target on the ground.

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用拍摄角度来着重强调主体。但须注意,不应用极度的俯角或仰角。Shooting angle with the main emphasis. It should be noted, does not apply extreme angle of depression or elevation.

由于低层大气的折射效应,俯视雷达的俯角和入射角将随气象条件而变化。Owing to refractive effect in lower atmospheric, the depression and incident angles of down looking radar vary with weather conditions.

如果在实际HUD中俯角过小,会产生对显示信息误解的严重问题。Second, we can point out a new serious problem of misconception of displayed information, is the angle if very small in practical HUDs.

下视雷达的射线路径与临界视在俯角有关,而临界视在俯角又与低层大气折射剖面有关。The path of radio bears relation to the critical depression angle on down looking radar, which bears relation to the atmospheric profile lower atmospheric refraction.

采用文献资料、教学实验、数理统计等方法,对跳远起跳技术教学方法进行研究,提出了运用目标“俯角板起跳”练习的教学新方法。Applying literature, teaching experiments, statistical methods for the long jump take -off technology teaching, this essay the applies "bow angle board" to long jump take -off technology teaching.