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是初稿?A first draft?

这不过是个初稿。This is only a first draft.

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没人能写作一篇完美的初稿。No one writes a perfect first draft.

文件的初稿是谁草拟的?Who made the first draft of the document ?

这是你的初稿,你有了自己的发言权。This is your first draft. You have a voice.

允许自己写一份蹩脚的初稿。Allow yourself to write a crappy first draft.

他目前正修改他的文章初稿。He's now revising the first draft of his essay.

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我用了三周时间完成初稿。It took me three weeks to write my first draft.

但这部法律的初稿在半个世纪前就诞生了。The first draft was written half a century ago.

完成一部小说的初稿就是一次探寻。Completing the first draft of a novel is a quest.

因此,他在哥本哈根完成了初稿。And so, he finished the manuscript back in Copenhagen.

本堂课开始时缴交第二篇报告初稿。FIRST DRAFT of second paper due at the beginning of class.

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双方仍就他的文件初稿里的最新措辞犹豫不决。Both sides still balk at his draft document's latest wording.

从这时开始,这篇初稿就要开始成形,要对它进行润色,修订,编辑。From their onwards, it needs to be shaped, polished, revised, edited.

爱情的“初稿”通常需要大篇幅修订。The first drafts of love are usually in need of considerable revision.

如果你知道你的初稿将发出恶臭,写作将成为多么简单的事情。How easy would it be to write if you KNEW your first draft would stink?

请对这个文件的初稿提出修改和补充意见。Please propose amendments and addenda to the first draft of the document.

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布莱恩·雪莱与布莱克·史蒂文森为本书初稿提供建议。Brian Shelley and Blake Stephenson provided useful feedback on an early draft.

在写作文初稿前有必要写个提纲。It is necessary to write an outline before the first draft of the composition.

再戴上你的帽子,来读读你的新史,看看它和前一份初稿有何不一样。Don your hat, read your new history, and see how it compares to the first draft.