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是温情?Was it the rating of warmth?

对他不能太温情了。Don't be too lenient with him.

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这可谓是一部充满了温情和幽默感的电影。It’s a film full of affection and humor.

这个冬天好渴望温情和温暖。This winter good hope softhearted and is warm.

歌颂为他人牺牲的病态温情主义!Sickly sentimentalism about sacrifice for others!

这是我博大而温情的祖国。This is my caritative and warmhearted motherland.

你觉得上帝会马上给他们注入温情吗?You think God zaps them with warm, fuzzy feelings?

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谎言全当安慰,多些温情即便虚假我也宽慰。Lies when all comfort, warmth even more false I also relieved.

天秤座母亲浪漫温情、充满同情心。Libran moms are sentimental, romantic and sympathetic at heart.

想用我轻柔温情的呢喃,抚慰你驿动不安的心灵。I want to sooth your upset soul with my soft and sweet whispers.

戴望舒诗歌中女性意象繁多,并有着单纯、善良、温情、忧郁、缅想的精神气质。There are a lot of feminine images in the poetry of Dai Wangshu.

温情又伤感,孤寂又温馨。It was full of tender feeling and sentiment, loneliness and warmth.

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伟大的激情和肉麻的温情之间的分限线究竟在哪里,我无法确定。Where great passion leaves off and mawkishness begins, I'm not sure.

真搞不懂,我们干吗老要看这些“艺术片”,不能去看看那种好看的老派温情喜剧吗?Why can't we just watch a good old-fashioned romantic comedy sometimes?

因为我们都熟知您的细心、您的儒雅、您的温情。Because we always know your circumspection, urbanity and your warm love.

在剧中,犹太小镇的温情滋养着两位初出茅庐的电影迷的创造力。The warmth of the shtetl feeds the creativity of these nascent cinephiles.

然而很多男人必须的只是是一个如康乃馨般温情宽容的妻子。But many men need a warmhearted and good-tempered carnation to be his wife.

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谁又能体会到平平淡淡地守候着这个角落的温情呢?Who could taste the warmhearted feelings of watching for the little corner?

而很多男人需要的只是一朵如康乃馨般温情宽容的妻子。But , any men need a warmhearted and good-tempered carnation to be his wife.

而很多男人需要的只是一个如康乃馨般温情宽容的妻子。But many men need a warmhearted and good- tempered carnation to be his wife.