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我们在邮箱遇著。We met at the mailboxes.

你有电子邮箱吗?Do you have ane-mail box?

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几种不同的邮箱。Several different mailboxes.

或者把密码发送到我的邮箱。Or send password to my Email?

最近的邮箱在哪儿?。Where is the nearest postbox?

你有电子邮箱吗?Have you got an email address?

如果你用Opera邮箱请举手?Hands up if you use Opera mail?

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如何申请一个免费的电子邮箱?How to apply for a free mailbox ?

体育馆右侧是家可以借书的图书馆,左侧是一个可以供避难者寄明信片的用纸板搭的邮箱。To the right is the lending library.

我的邮箱里有三封信。I think my letter must have miscarried.

怎样打点手机邮箱的暗码重置?。How to reset the password of mobil mail?

一些街区,路边是一溜的邮箱。In some streets, mailboxes line the curb.

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密码邮箱,用以恢复密码!Password email, to recover your password!

要更换你的邮箱地址和手机号码吗?Changing your email address? Phone-number?

如果你喜欢的话,我会发到你的邮箱里。I'll send it to your email box if you like.

另外,她还用黄丝带装饰起了邮箱。Meanwhile yellow ribbon adorns her mailbox.

没有塞满您邮箱的电子邮件时事通讯。No e-mail newsletters clutter your mailbox.

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这年头谁还只有一个电子邮箱地址呢?Who has only one e-mail address these days?

现在可以在小地图追踪邮箱。Mailboxes can now be tracked on the minimap.

可能您最近比较忙。没有时间看邮箱。Maybe you are too busy to check your mailbox.