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美西之战,在那个属于美国的世纪中,拉开了战幕。The Spanish-American War raised the curtain on the American century.

2004年珠海市业余足球联赛18日在市体育中心体育场拉开战幕。The 2004 Zhuhai Amateur Football League Match was kicked off in the Sports Center on Dec. 18.

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24支球队参加的亚运会男足比赛周日拉开战幕,距离亚运会开幕5天时间。The 24-team Asiad tournament kicked off on Sunday, five days before the formal opening of the 16th Asian Games.

关于民族音乐创新的大讨论,随着第十四届央视青歌赛战幕的拉开,再次成为一个热门话题。With the launch of the 14th session of CCTV Young Singer, the innovation of folk music becomes a hot topic again.

巴黎大师赛即将在周日拉开战幕,上海大师杯资格的争夺也进入到白热化。Paris master the match soon opens on Sunday, Shanghai master the cup qualifications competes also enters the superheating.

上周五世界杯拉开战幕,或许中国球迷为之欣喜若狂,但他们的老板却是愁眉不展。Chinese football fans may be excited about the FIFA World Cup, which kicked off on last Friday, but their employers are not.

“中国足球超级联赛几周之后将拉开战幕,谢菲尔德联队邀请我过去看一下它们的教练配备,”麦克金纳说道。“The Chinese Super League starts in a couple of weeks and Sheffield United have asked me to go over and have a look at the coaching set-up,” said McKinna.

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33年前,当“极致驾驶体验”拉开战幕的时候,在美国市场上,宝马仅是排名第11位的欧洲汽车销售品牌。Thirty-three years ago when the "Ultimate driving machine" campaign started, BMW was the 11th-largest-selling European imported vehicle in the U.S. market.

“中国足球超级联赛几周之后将拉开战幕,谢菲尔德联队邀请我过去看一下它们的教练配备,”麦克金纳说道。"The Chinese Super League starts in a couple of weeks and Sheffield United have asked me to go over and have a look at the coaching set-up, " said McKinna.

但今晚,随着篮网的0708赛季以“斗牛”拉开战幕,他对比赛的热爱比过往都更强烈,因为过去九年替他积攒了无数甜蜜的回忆。But as the Nets open the 2007-08 season tonight against Chicago, he loves the game more than ever, because he has so many fond memories of his first nine years.

随着世界杯拉开战幕,球迷都聚焦在这项世界顶级赛事上,诸如巴西、西班牙,的足球强队,都展开了对冠军争夺。As the World Cup kicks off, the eyes of fans will be on the top-playing footballing elevens on the pitch, the likes of Brazil and Spain, in their quest for glory.

当地时间5日,南非发生公共汽车翻车事故,造成至少24人死亡,15人受伤,为下个月即将拉开战幕的世界杯交通安全蒙上阴影。At least 24 people died and 15 were badly injured when a bus overturned in South Africa Wednesday, raising concerns about transport ahead of next month's World Cup.

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北京时间8月9日,2008年北京奥运会举重比赛在北京航空航天大学体育馆咯开战幕。The Beijing standard time on August 9, in 2008 Beijing Olympic Games weightlifting competition opens in the Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics stadium.

本届奥运会的田径比赛即将在周五拉开战幕,但是刘翔却受到肌腱伤病的困扰,而罗伯斯则有望成为110米栏比赛中一颗耀眼的新星。But now Liu has a hamstring injury and Robles to worry about ahead of one of the highlights of the athletics competition at the Bird's Nest stadium, which starts on Friday.