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笑剧是惨剧加之时间。Domedy is tragedy plus time.

给所有的这些技巧加之以眼神交流,她会融化了的。Add eye contact to all of these and she will melt.

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德莱塞的作品是感情上的真实,加之情节也真实。Dreiser's work is the truth of feeling, and of incident.

案例积压加之官僚主义造成移民程序长达数年之久。Backlogs and bureaucracy means the process can take years.

要想打狗,找棍不难。/欲加之罪,何患无辞。He who has a mind to beat his dog will easily find his stick.

加之这些,好像给紫檀木蒙上了一曾更加神秘的色彩。Combined with these, as if to cast a Rosewood had more mystery.

但是当您将美国的武器加之于您的国民,您同样伤害了我们。But when you use American weapons on your people, you injure us, too.

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由于厌倦政治加之年龄渐大,他第二个任期结束后便解甲归田了。Wearied of politics, feeling old, he retired at the end of his second.

他的人因为长途行军而疲惫不堪,加之食物短缺,部队更是愈加虚弱。His men were tired from the long march and weakened by scarcity of food.

加之尽管蒸汽机制成了许多东西,但冰简直不值一提。And though much is made of the steam engine, ice scarcely merits a mention.

加之现代舞的训练提倡舞者的即兴创造。In addition, because modern dance encourages improvisation from the dancers.

史蒂文斯的奢华风格,华丽的语言加之绝顶的文韵和改头换面的诗风。Stevens's sumptuous, glittering language takes blank verse and reinvents it.

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加之欧洲人民不断挑起的战争也是一个持续的被入侵的威胁。There was also the constant threat of invasion from warlike European peoples.

加之有双蓝色的眼睛和出色的外表,沃肯具有一种脱俗的吸引力。With his ice blue eyes and unusual features, Walken has an otherworldly appeal.

所以为了达到最好的效果,将三者结合起来,加之三至四个月的坚持努力,你就能得到你想要的好身材。For best results combine all three for 3-4 months and you’ll be who you want to be.

“完全正确,”另一个也是金融家,他回答说,“欲加之罪,何患无辞。”"Quite right, " replied the other, who was also a financier, "give a dog a bad name.

加之,我取得博士学位也已经有6个年头了,而我在技术方面的著述还是零纪录。It had also been 6 years since finishing my Ph.D. and I had done no technical writing.

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您不想保水渍险以及附带加之破碎险吗?。Don't you wish to arrange for W. P. A. and additional coverage against Risk of Breakage?

加之,Och称这项服务在过去5年中已经迅速改进了。On the plus side, the service has been vastly improved in the last five years, Och said.

不仅仅是全球范围的,而且它更把个人的悲惨加之到许多的富人身上。Not only on a worldwide scale, but it also brings personal misery to many who are wealthy.