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放弃追踪新闻时事。Give up on news.

通过时事通讯?Through newsletters?

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他发表时事广播演说。He broad-casts on current affairs.

他们随时注意时事。They keep tuned in to current affairs.

随时了解最新时事和问题。Keep abreast of current events and issues.

总理发表时事广播演说。The premier broadcasts on current affairs.

没有塞满您邮箱的电子邮件时事通讯。No e-mail newsletters clutter your mailbox.

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美国之音慢速学英语节目,这里是时事新闻。From VOA Learning English, this is In the News.

时事移易,反对派分裂为两大阵营。Over time, the opposition split into two camps.

对于时事的沉迷是冷酷的。The obsession with current events is relentless.

你可以在那里浏览时事通讯或账单。You can get your newsletters or bills over there.

学会在时事新闻中跟随你的议会。Learn about how to follow your parliament in the news.

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他为一家杂志的时事专栏工作。He worked for a magazine, at the current events column.

通过网站和电子时事通讯来与支持者通话。Communicate with supporters via a website and e-newsletters.

她借由看电视以随时关心时事。She keeps track of the current events by watching television.

夜间时事节目出现了一名新的主持人。The late-night current affairs programme has a new anchorman.

其中包括宗教和时事的学习,which is a combination of religious studies and current events

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时事通讯社的报道指出,在奥巴马的眼里,似乎没有日本。Jiji Press reported that in Obama's eyes, seems to be no Japan.

但是用户也会问及时事和许多其他的问题。But users also ask about current events and many other subjects.

有些家庭的圣诞装饰还带有时事政治主题。Some homes have specific themes, like politics or current events.