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他犹豫了。He hesitated.

有一些会犹豫。A few will balk.

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汉娜犹豫起来。Hanna hesitated.

我犹豫了一会儿。I hesitated a moment.

我在这个作品中有所犹豫。I hesitate in this work.

彩虹鱼犹豫起来。The Rainbow Fish wavered.

你将不再犹豫。Youll never hesitate again.

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他在回答前犹豫了一阵子。He hung back before replying.

不要再犹豫了,选择桑尼吧!No doubt chooses Sunny School.

她犹豫了一下才回答。She hesitated before replying.

什么事让你犹豫,使你不敢做出决定?What has swayed your decision?

可你还在犹豫什么呢?But what are you hesitating about?

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谁犹豫了就不可以得到了.。He who hesitates doesn't get laid.

但是大名没有任何犹豫。Still, the Daimyo didn't hesitate.

这时我已没有犹豫。This time there was no hesitation.

有吗,有一个犹豫的。Anybody? One, sort of ambivalently.

他犹豫了一会才选了一本书。He hesitated before choosing a book.

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有时你一定会犹豫…You are bound to vacillate at times.

那些犹豫不定的态度令我为难。Those shifting attitudes bewilder me.

在短暂的犹豫后,张丙成站起来说。After a short silence, Zhang stood up.