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微波炉发热器护套中的铅。Lead in sheath heater of Microwaves.

低烟无卤阻燃护套,环保。Low smoke, zero halogen flame retardant sheath.

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储存选用的列印墨匣与护套。Store the optional print cartridge and protector.

我需要一个防热护套拿这杯咖啡。它太烫了!I need a java jacket for this coffee. It's too hot!

低烟无卤阻燃护套,环保。Low smoke, zero halogen and flame retardant sheath.

电源线、护套线等线材的剥口及剥皮。It is suitable for peeling the power line and sheath line.

牙科医生量身定制的嘴护套是有用的,但是价格昂贵。Mouth guards customized by a dentist can be useful yet pricey.

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一旦您删除护套,您将有6个单独的电线。Once you remove the sheathing , you will have 6 individual wires.

成品电线的绝缘或护套表面应有生产厂名、型号和电压的连续标志。Finished power line should have products name , model and voltage signs.

氯丁橡胶混合物护套具有耐热、耐油和不延然性能。The chloroprene rubber sheath is heat and oil resistant and flame retardant.

一个在一英寸的泡沫绝缘护套,帮助建设一探究竟。A closer look at the one-inch foam sheathing that helps insulate the building.

玩具轮胎、轮皮、轨道垫圈、缓冲器、硬胶车轮减振护套、止滑器。Toy tires, wheel cover, track washer, bumper, hard-rubber wheel shock absorber.

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铺设的电线,应采用护套线,其接头必须采用专用接头连接。Electronic weir should equipped with protection and linkers must be professional.

双护套结构挡潮,提高了光缆抗侧压、抗冲击性能。Double tidal sheath structure, improve the cable-side pressure, impact resistance.

这腰带在腰旁也佩以保护剑的剑鞘或护套。The belt was also fitted with a scabbard or sheath to secure his sword to his side.

一些更有有价值目的象钻石或者瑙在柄或者护套上一样。Some even have valuable objects like diamonds or agates on the handle or the sheath.

连续细丝聚酯护套被编织物包上连续的尼龙纤维核心上方。The continuous filament polyester sheath is braided over a continuous nylon fiber core.

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护套采用受热后不收缩的软塑料制成。Besides, the jacket is made of flexible plastic which is unshrinking after being heated.

定制开发各种车型挡位护套,手刹护套,防尘垫。Production and development of various models of gear jacket, Handbrake jacket, dust mats.

非常结实耐磨,尼龙芯外包裹尼龙制护套。An extremely strong, abrasion resistant nylon jacket is braided over a braided nylon core.