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适用于皮带秤,料斗秤。Suitable for weighing belts and hoper scales.

每班工作完成后,必须清洗车厢和料斗。Must clean the dust bin and hopper after work.

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卸料斗是不锈钢结构。The discharging hopper is realized in stainless steel.

最后介绍了贮料斗的设计原则。Author sugests last the design principles for storehopper.

独特的料斗开合摇手机构设计,料斗打开、关闭更安全方便。Crank handle for safely and easily opening or closing hopper.

一般而言,加料斗是指用于传输物品的漏斗形状的装置。In general, a funnel-shaped device used to transfer products.

料斗设置于机筒后端上侧。The hopper is arranged on the rear upside of the machine tube.

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振动料斗通常采用这种定向机构。The vibrating hopper usually adopts the directional mechanism.

在砼泵体料斗、泵管上包裹阻燃草帘被。In concrete pump hopper, pump tube wrapped by flame retardant straw.

用于各种电子汽车衡、料斗秤等电子衡器和力值检测的各个领域。Can be used in vehicle scales, hopper scales and fore measurement areas.

油母页岩原矿通过带式运输机送至四个量料斗。Raw oil shale is transported into four measuring bins by belt conveyers.

电磁振动料斗是应用很广的自动供料装置。Electromagnetic Vibration Hopper is a widely used automatic feeding device.

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适用于各种台秤、料斗秤、平台秤等秤重系统。Apply to various measuring systems such as hopper weighing and platform scales.

料斗半顶角由实际物料和料斗材料确定。The half vertex angle was determined by particulate solid and hopper materials.

螺纹铣床供给系统可将管从料斗移动至螺纹铣床输入点。Threader feed systems move tubes from the hoppers to the input point of threaders.

采用变频调速装置,料斗采用充气式密封,密封可靠。Frequency Control device is used, Hopper used inflatable seal, sealed and reliable.

在160℃干燥5小时后,将盘子的塑料倾倒进料斗干燥器使用。After drying at 160oC for 5 hours, the pans are emptied into the hopper dryers for use.

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同一楼层打粉是时,可用输送机再将面团送至立式辊印机料斗上。Also we can use the paste sending machine feeding the dough to vertical rotary moulder.

往料斗内倒入水泥浆,反复正、反向启动泵,迫使通路打开。Pour slurry into the hopper, repeated forward and backward start pump to force open access.

关上料斗闸板,用手动状态将筒内的全部塑料对空射完。Close the gunk flashboard and shot out all the plastics in the barrel under manual condition.