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这个徒弟磨洋工。The apprentice lingered his work.

别再磨洋工了。Stop dillydallying over your work.

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他在车间里总是磨洋工。He always lies down in the workshop.

他们不可以整日价的磨洋工。They can not kill their time every day.

做事磨洋工是他容忍的一件事。Slacking is the one thing he cannot abide.

有些工人在磨洋工。Some workers are loitering over their work.

那老太太在花园了磨洋工。The old lady is pottering around in the garden.

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那个家伙因为磨洋工而被解雇了。That fellow was fired because he had loafed on the job.

老板告知工人不要磨洋工。The boss told the workers not to dawdle over their work.

他们是在磨洋工,把大部分时间花在喝茶上吗?Are they loafing, spending most of their time having tea breaks?

当老板发现罗恩在磨洋工,他马上把他辞掉了。When the boss found Ron loafing on the job, he sent him packing.

这样你也不会花费大量的时间去磨洋工或是决定接下来要做什么了。You won't waste time spinning your wheels or deciding what to do next.

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他的报纸把他们描绘成抽大麻、磨洋工、懒惰、邪恶和喜欢暴力的堕落者。His papers described them as marijuana-smoking, job-stealing, lazy, wicked, and violent degenerates.

群体会扼杀我们的创造性,会激励我们勤奋的工作,会容许你磨洋工,也会歪曲我们的决策然后让我们闭嘴。Groups can kill our creativity, inspire us to work harder, allow us to slack off, skew our decision-making and make us clam up.

打算开发一个新矿则需要花费20年在官僚机构的磨洋工上,而这个时间足够美国建立一个核反应堆了。To bring in a new mine can take 20 years of bureaucratic mumbo jumbo, about what it takes to build a nuclear reactor in the U.S.

科技人员与监督者之间的信息不对称会使他们磨洋工,这是缺乏产权激励的结果。The asymmetric information between technologic staff and supervisor will make the former idle, which is the result of lacking property incentive.

海因克斯认为,他的球员们应该停止磨洋工,并充分认识到到,如果他们今年想要在他的带领下取得成功,那就必须有所提高。Heynckes believes his players must pull their finger out and realise they need to improve if they are to encompass his vision of gaining success this year.

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磨洋工指单位生产力流失的现象,导致这种现象的原因是员工对目前的工作不满意,一直在等待恰当的时机另谋高就。Warm-chair attrition refers to the loss of workplace productivity due to employees who dislike their jobs and are just waiting for the right time to quit and move on to something better.

为了防止可能有人磨洋工和浪费时间,每个工人都要填写一张计工表,写明他每时每刻干了些什么,作为一种侧面的调查。As an additional precaution against the possibility of any of the men idling or wasting their time, each one was given a timesheet on which he was required to account for every minute of the day.