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劳动征服一切。Labor vanquishes all.

这一行动征服了伽弗洛什。This conquered Gavroche.

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我来了,我看见了,我征服了。I came, I saw, I charged.

征服你内心的邪念!Conquer your inner demons!

不可征服的灵魂。For my unconquerable soul.

我有不可征服的灵魂。For my unconquerable soul.

努力可以征服一切。Labor conquers all things.

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征服你所有内心的邪念!Conque all your inner demons!

译〕忍耐能征服一切。Patience overcomes all things.

凯撒在公元前五十年时征服高卢。Caesar subdued Gaul in 50 B. C.

我们将要征服叶尼塞河!‘We’ll tame the Yenisey river!’

现在是征服一切成就一番霸业的时候了。Now is the time for totally war.

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一个部落征服另一个部落。One tribe conquered another one.

多利亚人已经被征服!The Dorians have been vanquished!

托福,你们等我一一征服吧!GRE, TOFEL, wait for me to conquer!

癌症的征服为期不远。The conquest of cancer is imminent.

巳征服天魔和其魔徒。Having conquered Mara and his mount.

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如果你不理会它,它就会将你征服。If you let it go, it'll conquer you.

如果你不理会它,它就会将你征服。If you let it go, it’ll conquer you.

所有的逆境中他已经征服了。All the adversities he had conquered.