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你这是在建空中楼阁。You are building a castle in the air.

引导可以继续做梦吧在建邦。Venkat can keep dreaming on Telangana.

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缅因州的一个沿海的农场上,有个在建的牲口棚。On a farm in coastal Maine, a barn is going up.

与此同时,在建的旧金山湾大桥东边部分长2。Meanwhile the new SF Bay Bridge eastern span is 2.

金穗路,珠江新城,在建。Jinsui Road, Zhujiang New Town, be under construction.

在mounds的顶部在建类似的结构。Structures were frequently built on top of the mounds.

在那个在建区域我们被限制在时速30英里。We are restricted to 30 miles an hour in built-up areas.

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国国内债券市场是个让人摸不着头脑的“在建工程”。China's domestic bond market is a murky work-in-progress.

目前,该舞蹈是在建的是一个四对舞。For the moment, the dance which is in progress is a quadrille.

在建模时,删除掉看不到的面和线。While modeling, delete nonvisible faces and erase extra lines.

我真的很享受我在建这个场景、纹理贴图及渲染的过程。I really enjoy when I doing this scene, texturing and rendering.

日本这有两艘排水量一万八千吨的突击舰,另外还有一艘在建。Japan's got two 18,000-ton assault ships, plus another on the way.

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日本这有两艘排水量一万八千吨的攻击舰,另外还有一艘在建。Japan’s got two 18, 000-ton assault ships, plus another on the way.

从最上面的两张图片中可以看到,左侧边缘地区的土地尚未被开发利用,只有隐约可见的在建街道网,该处地表呈现为米黄色和棕黄色。Undeveloped land appears along the left edges of the top two images.

资本性支出包括为在建的百度大厦而发生的。Capital sex defray includes what happen to be in inclusive Baidu mansion.

在建的重庆国泰艺术中心“题凑”部分采用了此类结构。It's applied for the"Ticou"of Guotai art center being built in Chongqing.

阿海珐目前在建的有四个进化动力反应堆,两个在中国,两个在欧洲。Areva is currently building four EPR reactors, two in China and two in Europe.

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在第二章,文章着重论述了在建船舶的抵押权。The paper secondly touches upon the mortgage of the vessel under construction.

2010年,杭州市有六条高速铁路同时在建,成为中国在建高铁项目最多的城市之一。In 2010, a total of six high-speed railway were under construction in Hangzhou.

在建模流程图方面,本文提出了一种全新的双向参数流程图建模理论。In the first aspect, an entirely new theory of dual-variable graph is proposed.