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寒冷的天气冻裂了他的双手。Cold weather chapped his hands.

他的手冻裂了。His hands are chapped by the cold.

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有一次,他们的水管冻裂了。Once their water pipes froze and burst.

霜将岩石冻裂了。The frost freezes the rock having split.

的天气里经常冻裂。Water-pipes often burst in cold weather.

水管在寒冷的天气里经常冻裂。Water-pipes often burst in cold weather.

那个女孩的手因寒冷而冻裂。The girl's hands were chapped by the cold.

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双手冻裂出血,仍坚持不辍。Frost Crack hands bleeding, still insists chuo.

昨天太冷了,我家的水管都冻裂了。It was so cold yesterday that my water-pipes froze and burst.

昨天太冷了,许多水管都冻裂了。It was so cold yesterday that many water pipes froze and burst.

气温已降到零度以下,水管冻裂了。As the temperature is below zero, the water pipe ruptured with the cold.

冻裂是多年冻土地区沥青路面的主要病害。Frost crack is the main failuve of asphalt pavement in permafrost region.

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“感觉它太脆了,”她说,“这东西不会冻裂吗?”"It feels so flimsy, " she said. "Wouldn't this thing just disintegrate?"

煤气从在严寒中冻裂的主管道中泄漏出来。Gas has been getting out of the main pipe, which burst in the severe cold.

主管道在严寒中冻裂了,煤气泄漏了出来。The main pipe burst in the severe cold , and the gas has been getting out.

韩国东南部的金海市周日发生水管冻裂,供水被切断。Water supplies in the southeastern city of Gimhae were cut off Sunday after pipes burst.

这年冬天,地都冻裂了缝,小北风像刀子似的猛刮,大雪满天飞。This winter, the earth cracking joints, small wind like a knife fierce wind, snow flying.

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针对冻裂的具体情况,提出了今后的预防措施。In the light of the above frost crack condition, the precautionary measures were put forward.

指出造成该工程供热初期风机盘管冻裂事故的主要原因在于脏堵、气堵及室外空气温度和建筑朝向等因素。Points out the main causes of the fault namely fouling, air lock, outdoor air temperature and building orientation.

首都首尔当天最低气温接近零下18摄氏度,不少住宅水表、水管冻裂。Seoul, close to the day of minimum temperature of minus 18 degrees Celsius, a lot of residential water meters, water pipes cracking.