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细小的枝杈,随风摇曳。A small twig, the wind swaying.

它长长的枝杈为他们遮蔽了日晒。Its long branches shade them from the sun.

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他们把树上枯死的枝杈全砍掉了。They cut away all the dead branches from the tree.

又名得到一个不明来历的一些人认为,木匠枝杈材。AKA get an unrequested view of some carpenters crotch.

现在一分的硬币图案是一个枝杈上的两片枫叶。The modern one-cent piece has two maple leaves on a common twig.

如果你砍掉一些树枝的话,这棵树就不会枝杈丛生。If you cut off some of the branches, the tree would not bush out.

仰望着光秃的枝杈,微微随风,在显示着高傲。Looking forward to bare twig, a slight wind, the proud in the display.

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唯一听到的就是光秃秃的枝杈发出的声响,听起来就像牙齿打战的声音。The only sound is from the bare tips of branches chattering like teeth.

如果她站或坐在她的枝杈材直在你,这是一个良好的迹象。If she stands or sits with her crotch straight at you, this is a good sign.

工作单位就像一棵爬满猴的树,所有的猴分处在不同高度的枝杈上。Work is like a tree full of monkeys, all on different limbs at different levels.

自然界中,树木的枝杈,云朵,和动物的皮毛都是不对称的体现。In nature, we can see asymmetry in tree branches, in clouds, and in the fur of animals.

同心协力,他们砍去了暴政之树顶端的枝杈,然而这棵树仍然屹立不倒,甚至继续伸展着。Together we lopped off that top branch of tyranny but the tree still stands and spreads.

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早在1837年初,他将物种进化的过程设想为一棵有着枝杈的树,这些枝杈代表着新物种,不成功的枝杈就结束了,而成功的枝杈就继续进化成另一种新物种。Unsuccessful branches ended. But successful evolutionary changes continued to form new branches.

大片大片的雪花静静地挂在灌木丛的枝枝杈杈上,一块块贴在树干上。Big, quite flakes that clung to twiggy bushes and snuggled in little drifts against the tree trunks.

它横冲直撞地从狗群中杀出一条路来,退到树篱的低矮的枝杈下。Twisting and slashing, he fought his way through the pack and backed up under the low branches of a hedge.

他盘起自己大树枝杈般的双腿,摆出冥想的姿势。即使这样,他目光的位置仍然比巴拉克还高。He folded his tree-bough legs and sat in a meditative pose, the level of his gaze still higher than Burak's.

不要光看到挺拔遒劲的松树的枝杈,更重要的是要看到它插入泥土深处的根系啊!Behold not only the straight and sturdy branches of a pine tree, but, more importantly, its roots deep in the soil.

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大树为人们遮挡阳光,为枝杈上不计其数的鸟儿和小动物们遮风避雨。It shielded people from the sun, and provided shelter to countless birds and other small creatures in its branches.

北美已引入的欧洲两年生植物,在多刺的枝杈末端有拥挤的头状花序。European biennial introduced in North America having flower heads in crowded clusters at ends of spiny-winged branches.

“这不打紧,”她回答,“今夜你立在角树的枝杈下等我。It matters not, ' she answered. `Go thou to-night, and stand under the branches of the hornbeam, and wait for my coming.