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那么,哲学。So Philosophy.

鱼的哲学?A Fishy Philosophy?

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这就是我的哲学。That's my philosophy.

也就是因为这个,我喜欢哲学。I love it. Ich liebe es!

伟大的马克辛尼哲学!Great Maxine's Philosophy!

哲学对我来说太深奥了。Philosophy is too deep for me.

这派哲学是泛神论的。This philosophy is pantheistic.

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它究竟是一门科学还是哲学?Is it a science or a philosophy?

现在人们叫做哲学杂志。People just know it as Phil Mag.

她选读了一门哲学课程。She took a course in philosophy.

这是布罗伊宁的另一个人生哲学。is another Breuning life lesson.

哲学课上,我被灌输马克思主义。I was inculcated with the Marxism.

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这几乎是种人生哲学。It is almost a philosophy of life.

比起英语她更喜欢哲学。She prefers Philosophy to English.

这是个哲学导论课程。This is an intro philosophy class.

像文学类、历史类、哲学类。Literature, history and philosophy.

她选读了一门哲学课程。She is taking a secretarial course.

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她目前在攻读哲学博士学位。She's presently working on her PhD.

你的处世哲学是等级型的。The model you have is hierarchical.

所以你钟情你的哲学了?That`s how you like your philosophy?