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她这会儿在火焰山呢。She's right now at the Flame Mountain.

离吐鲁番不远有一座火焰山。Not far from Truvan is a Flaming Mountain.

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离吐鲁番不远有一座火焰山。Not far from Turfan lies the 'Flaming Mountain'.

在主题公园方面,有梦幻岛、火焰山和高尔夫乐园。In theme parks, Neverland, VolcanoLand park and golf.

整个火焰山地区勘探精度较低。The exploration accuracy is low in the whole area of Huoyanshan.

沿着火焰山前进几公里就是著名的柏孜克里千佛洞。Just a few kilometers further along this range are the famous Bezeklik Caves.

一打听才知道前方有座火焰山,方圆八百里内寸草不生。The mountains had a circumference of 800 li, on which not a blade of grass could grow.

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汽车从火焰山走大约半个小时,便来到一条峡谷。The car comes to a valley after around half an hour's drive along the Flaming Mountain.

于是心中一阵莫名的狂喜,我终于见识到了真正的火焰山。I suddenly felt a thrill when I saw it. I finally saw the flaming mountain itimmolation personally.

你不能前进,前面有火焰山,喷火数十里,伤人无算。No, you shouldn't because a fiery mountain ahead is spurting flames far and wide and killing lots of people.

火焰山构造带受基底逆冲断裂控制,断裂控制背斜圈闭形成。Huoyanshan structure belts are controlled by the basement thrusts. The formation of anticline traps is controlled by the faults.

每逢深秋,漫山遍谷的蔡树林叶由褐绿变为金或金红色,在阳光照射下呈“火焰山”般壮景。During late autumn, Man Shan Cai trees all over the valley from the brown-green into gold leaf or gold red in the sunlight was "Flaming Mountains"-like Zhuang Jing.

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汽车从火焰山走大约半个小时,便来到一条峡谷。山坡上布满了层层叠叠的葡萄田。汩汩清泉在田里流淌。There is a narrow gorge about half an hour's drive from Flaming Mountain whose slopes are covered with terraced vineyards interlaced with streams of clear spring-water.

而火焰山也并非虚构,只不过火焰山的火焰非真火焰而是烈日下的红砂岩灼灼闪光、热气蒸腾似火焰而已。The Flaming Mountains is not fiction, but Huoyanshan non-real flame but the flame of the red sandstone under the hot sun shining shining like the flame just piping hot steam.