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导师用心背熟了古兰,及775000段正确及错误的注疏。He had memorized Qur'an by heart and memorized 775,000 adaths, both the correct and the false.

“十三经”是中华文明成果的组成部分,而注疏是“十三经”流传至今的保证。The "Thirteen Classics" belong to Chinese civilization and their spread is due to the commentaries.

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该文探讨了章句的特征及其与传、说、故等注疏体裁的差别,章句与章句之学产生的时间,以及章句之学兴盛和衰落的原因。The article explores the time of germination of the study of Zhang Ju and the reasons for its prosperity and decline.

这些观点是否有可信的根据?根据法藏部的律藏与注疏,是否合理?Are they reasonable according to the Dharmagupta Vinaya tradition and reliable commentaries belonging to this tradition?

回想拍摄之初,在做了几个月资料蒐集与地域考证后,我惊觉自己陷入了历代儒生所建构的好汉的诠释注疏之中。After several months of document research, I suddenly found myself immersed by a vast number of notes and interpretations.

拟承担“经典与解释”项目中的古希腊-罗马经典文本的翻译、注疏工作。To work out commentaries and translations for some ancient Greek and Latin classics for the program of "classic and interpretation".

清代杜诗注疏契合了考镜源流、经世致用的学术背景,反映了当时知识分子的精神寄托。The annotation to Dufu s poetry in Tsing dynasty corresponded to the academic background of recovering the source and governing the world.

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生活是一部精深的书,而爱情则是其中最精彩而又最艰涩的一页,别人的注疏不了自我的理解。Life is a profound book wherein love is a page the most fascinating and abstruse. Commentaries by others can not replace my own understanding of love.

按照注疏,这些显然的事实是推断结生识导致三个十色法聚或三十种物质现象的基础。According to the commentary, this obvious fact is the basis for inferring that the rebirth-consciousness at conception leads to three decads or thirty material phenomena.

“寡人”一词在古代注疏中一般都认为是君王用以自称的谦词,含有“少德之人”的含义。In notes on earlier authoritative commentary, "Guaren" is commonly regarded as a self-styled address for the sovereign who had a lowly heart, implying "man of scant morals.

如果对古籍的注疏进行分析和研究,就可以理清各个时期学者的语言学观点,从而丰富和完善中国语言学史。Once we start to analyze and study these notes and commentaries, we can put their linguistic ideas in good order and then enrich and develop the history of Chinese linguistics.

宋代经书注疏的刊刻,与其他文献的刊刻相比,有不同的特点,就是儒家经书常常是作为一个整体来出版发行。The characteristics of Confucian classics publication in the Song Dynasty are usually being published in whole as a collection. It is a different from other kinds of documents.

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中华文明一脉相传没有中断,一个重要原因是中华民族对文明成果不断归纳总结,补充完善,中国古代经书的注疏充分显示了这一特点。Having been summarized and replenished, Chinese civilization came down in one continuous line without any break, which could be seen through the commentary and subcommentary of the ancient classics.

但是,亚伯拉罕传统内部的“经文辩读”或许忽略了另一种丰富的资源,那就是基督教传教士对中国经典进行的翻译和注疏。However, the "scriptural reasoning" inherent in the Abrahamic tradition may have overlooked another rich resource, namely Christian missionaries translations and annotations of the Chinese classics.