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较大血管受损时,出现黑便、呕血。When older blood vessel is damaged, appear black, haematemesis.

月经来了呕血。流鼻血正常吗?Menstruation came haematemesis . It is normal to shed nosebleed?

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为什么消化道癌症的患者多数是呕血而死?Why is the patient majority of enteron cancer haematemesis and dead?

肝硬化患者在家中发生呕血怎么办?In patients with liver cirrhosis hematemesis occurred at home how to do?

1955年,一场差点致命的呕血让他住进医院。In 1955, he was hospitalized for a bleeding ulcer which was nearly fatal.

出血可发生于被咬部位或粘膜,可见呕血,黑粪和血尿。Bleeding can occur in parts bitten or mucosa, that hematemesis , black excrement and urine.

严重者可有呕血、黑粪、甚至失水、以及中毒及休克等。Serious person can have haematemesis , melaena, dehydrate even, and toxic reach shock to wait.

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第一例是一位12岁的男孩,临床上表现出因肝门脉高血压所引起的呕血症状。The first patient was a 12-year-old boy who presented with hematemesis due to portal hypertension.

重症病人会出现咯血、呕血、便血、尿血等出血现象。Critically ill patients will be hemoptysis, hematemesis, hematochezia, urinating blood, such as bleeding.

也有部分患者表现为肝硬化的一些并发症,如黑便、呕血。There are also some patients with liver cirrhosis showed a number of complications, such as melena , hematemesis.

蛇毒引起的血管内凝血可激发去纤维蛋白综合征,而导致呕血,血尿和内出血。Venom from the intravascular coagulation can be stimulated to fibrin syndrome, which led hematemesis, hematuria and internal bleeding.

虽然我不能肯定呕血是否由静脉曲张还是因为其他可能患过的胃炎而引起,但我同意这个诊断。I agree with that although I'm not sure whether the hematemesis is on the basis of the varices or perhaps some gastritis that he might have had.

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有时以穿孔、呕血、失血所致的晕厥、柏油样便等并发症为首发症状。Wait for complication to head with appearance of the faint of perforative , haematemesis, exsanguine be caused by, asphalt sometimes hair symptom.

本病临床上多为某些疾病或因素引起的并发症,临床主要表现为呕血,黑便或无明显症状。The symptoms were mostly caused by certain diseases or complications of factors, clinical manifestations were vomiting blood, black stool or no obvious symptoms.

术后密切观察患者生命体征,进食情况,腹痛腹胀,恶心呕吐,是否有呕血及黑便。After operation, we closely observe the vital signs, eating situation, abdominal pain and abdominal distention, nausea and vomiting, whether hematemesis and melena of patients.