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一旦家被封死了,我们的目标是迅速转卖。Once the home is foreclosed , the goal is to resell it quickly.

人们讨厌这些外来者,他们把换来的牲畜再次转卖换取了可观的利润。Some are resentful of the outsiders, who resell the livestock at a substantial profit.

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雷磊回想起两个人没日没夜地试图转卖他们窃取的虚拟财产。Mr. Lei recalls the two spent every waking moment trying to resell their virtual trove.

据称他是以500元一套买的,然后以100元一套的价格转卖出去。It is said that he is by a 500 Yuan hedge-buying, then resells by a 100 Yuan set of price.

利物浦董事会成员承诺他们今夏不会转卖队中的主力球员。Liverpool board members are adamant they will not lose any of their top players this summer.

该18架飞机,曾与意大利空军飞机一起飞行,被阿莱尼亚转卖到美国。The aircraft, which formerly flew with the Italian Air Force, were resold to the U.S. by Alenia.

得手以后,他再以六倍的价格将粮食在公开市场上转卖出去,这种利润就代表了贷款的利息。He resells it on the open market for six times as much. The margin represents interest on the loan.

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队中老中青齐备,内地人和南亚裔都有,有市民明言会购入数十部转卖获利。The team of all ready, the mainland and South Asians have, people say will buy dozens of resale profit.

商品能加工并在市场上转卖的产品,如黄金、银、铁、煤、铝等。Commodities Products that can be processed and resold in the market such as gold, silver iron, coal, aluminum, etc.

得到许可证的酒吧和饭店可以转售含酒精饮料,但是他们必须在经营场所去转卖。Licensed bars and restaurants may resell alcoholic beverages, but they must be consumed on the establishment's premises.

接着被赶出来,在一次经受检查、转卖,他们被打上烙印,强迫开掘矿山、砍伐林木、收割甘蔗。Then taken out, inspected again and resold, they were branded and forced to dig in mines, clear land, plant and harvest sugar.

彩民不准将公司信息随处传播和转卖及以各种形式侵犯公司名誉。Lottery Company are not allowed to be sold everywhere and the dissemination and various forms of violations of company reputation.

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但有了东芝的新型硬盘,当你丢弃或转卖打印机时就不必担心,因为数据已经在拔掉插座时就保护好了。But with one of Toshiba’s new drives, you can junk or re-purpose a printer without worry—the data is secured when the plug is pulled.

财政部希望,参与投资的人能了解到这些是长期的贷款和证券协议,事实证明银行是不可能转卖这些协议。The treasury hopes that participants will find long-term bargains in loans and securities that have proved impossible for banks to offload.

因为财政方面的一些困难,这项赛事将被转卖去另一个国家举办的猜测曾一度被传得沸沸扬扬,比如搬家去中国等。There had been the possibility that, with financial difficulties, this tournament might be sold and moved to another country, likely China.

我只希望我有很多备用盐丘储存的东西,我就可以转卖后的通货膨胀浪潮,即将到来。I only wish I had lots of spare salt domes to store the stuff so I could resell later after the inflation tidal wave that is coming arrives.

他的作品的价格虽然节节攀升,但是这价格是从他完成作品后经过多次转卖所得的,而真正获利的是在二手市场上抄家。His work has ballooned in price, but the pieces have changed hands several times since he made them, so the sales are in the secondary market.

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虽然那时很年轻,但我已开始找机会点切入巿场,于是我向朋友买手机和周边商品来转卖,著手进行不需囤货的无本生意,赚取中间的利润价差。So I bought in some cell phones and accessories from friends and resell them. I ran the business with no capital and earned the price differences.

我会着手准备你所需的各项产品,并于最近几天发给你跟踪信息和转卖商的帐户资料。I will begin to piece you order together and will send you the tracking information and reseller account access information in the next couple days.

比如切蒂斯格尔邦就通过电脑追踪粮食的运输线路,用以约束官员们的贪污行为,这样可以保证他们无法偷盗粮食并进行转卖。Officials in the state of Chhattisgarh have curbed corruption by tracking grain shipments on computers, so that officials cannot steal and resell it.