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它很恼人。That bothered people.

这恼人的天气使我感到不称意。This miserable weather chesses me off.

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对于某一部分人而言是恼人的干扰。For some, it is an annoying distraction.

毫无意义地忠忠直直是恼人的事。It is annoying to is honest to no purpose.

什么被高估了、难以使用、或者恼人的?What’s overrated, hard to use, or annoying?

我的姐姐很迷恋他,这一点非常恼人。My sister fancies him, so it's very annoying.

这是个什么恼人的腺体啊,前列腺?What is this troublesome gland, the prostate?

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我家乡的气候总是恼人而舒爽。The climate in my hometown is always pleasant.

失之恼人恨,得之还是惊。Lose of irritating hate, get it still surprised.

不过,这样的轻敲肯定是极其恼人的了。Of course, those taps were extremely bothersome.

怎么对付飞机上恼人的邻座How to Handle Irritating Seatmates on an Airplane

我觉得约伯记是最恼人的故事集了。The Book of Job is the most maddening of stories.

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紊乱对很多人来说是另一件恼人的事情。Clutter is another scary thing for a lot of people.

防垃圾邮件功能会阻止恼人的广告电话和手机简讯。Anti-Spam feature blocks annoying ad calls and SMSs.

再不会有恼人的黄色问号了,真是不错的解脱。No more of those annoying yellow question marks. Good riddance.

大赌客却时常被迫得进行恼人的小额赌注。Big gamblers were often forced to place irritatingly small bets.

他有个恼人的习惯,老在屋子里不成调地唱歌。He had an irritating habit of singing tunelessly about the house.

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他有用手指尖敲桌子的恼人习惯。He has the annoying habit of drumming the table with his finger tips.

嫁不出去的,大多都是参杂种种恼人的因素的。Marry do not go out, mostly is mixed all sorts of disturbing factors.

这些恼人的伤病,乔丹从未遇过。These nagging injuries are things that Jordan never had to deal with.