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来到这拜占庭的圣城。To the holy city of Byzantium.

万佛圣城三周禅七时间表。Three Weeks Chan Meditation Session.

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在圣城的利未人共有二百八十四人。The Levites in the holy city totaled 284.

就像沙恩,那座圣城,天堂的首都。Like Zion, the Holy City, the capital of heaven.

万佛圣城义工的住宿费用?What is the cost of staying at CTTB as a volunteer?

就地形学而言,圣城要比四周的土地都要高。The city is topographically higher than the surrounding land.

金圣寺将安排巴士前往圣城参加法会。Gold Sage Monastery will arrange bus tour for same-day travel.

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我们走了几天几夜,还没有走到圣城。We take a few days and nights have not yet reached the Holy City.

在圣城的肋未人,共计二百八十四人。All the Levites in the holy town were two hundred and eighty-four.

在圣城的利未人共二百八十四名。All the Levites in the holy city were two hundred fourscore and four.

所以万佛圣城的小学生回到家里,他的父母都非常满意的。Therefore, their parents are very pleased with their behavior at home.

在圣城库姆,在颈部佩戴装饰性的布条不管何种形式都是非法的。The decorative strips of neck-fabric are outlawed in the holy city of Qom.

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为什麽您想在万佛圣城当义工?Why are you interested in volunteering at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas?

我们走了几天几夜,还没有走到圣城。And we walked many days and many nights, yet we did not reach the Holy City.

他说,先生Shakuri属于圣城的力量,伊朗革命卫队的一部分。Shakuri belongs to the Quds force, a part of Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps.

万佛圣城将于月二十四日星期日举纪法会,欢迎佛友们踊跃加。The City of Ten Thousands Buddhas will hold the ceremony on Sunday, June 24th.

道源圣城玉琮高9.9米,直径1.3米,由天然花岗岩雕刻而成。The Cong here is engraved from natural granite, 9.9m high and 1.3m in diameter.

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这座圣城正在努力打造拉斯维加斯式的设施以迎接挑战。The holy city is striving to meet the challenge with some Vegas-like amenities.

当时,瓦海德是伊朗革命卫队“圣城旅”负责人。At the time, Vahidi was the head of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard's Quds Force.

哈拉作为伊斯兰教的第四大圣城,在它16世纪的城墙里面有82座清真寺。The fourth holiest city of Islam, Harar has 82 mosques within its 16th-century walls.