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你怎么连无土栽培都没听说过?!Have you never heard soil-less cultivation technology before?

人们采用无土栽培的方法来种植蔬菜。The people here use soilless cultivation methods to grow vegetables.

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本发明涉及无土栽培营养液领域。The present invention relates to the field of nutrient liquor for soilless culture.

农业上用作无土栽培,酸性土壤的酥胸啊肥料。Used as soilless culture in agriculture, fertilizer with quick result for acid soil.

我们会甚至包括更加复杂的课题,如园艺和无土栽培园艺。We'll even cover more complex topics such as horticulture and hydroponics gardening.

水培花卉属于无土栽培新技术的范畴。Water earths up flowers to belong to the category of soilless culture new technology.

同时对魔芋无土栽培的灌水方式也进行了研究。At the same time , the method of irrigation for konjac no-soil cultivation is studied.

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本文还对无土栽培中应用有机肥料的研究课题进行了讨论。It discussed the possible research activities of manure in soil- less culture as well.

多年生黑麦草无土栽培技术具有十分广阔的发展前景。Perennial ryegrass carpet lawn soil-less cultivation is of attractive and broad prospect.

营养液配制是无土栽培一个关键的技术问题。The confection of the nutritious liquid is a important technical problem in the hydroponics.

植物均为无土栽培,目的是改善空气质量,减少能源消耗。The vegetation grows soil-free and is designed to improve air quality and reduce energy use.

附加试验的袋装、盒装、盆装无土栽培蔬菜也均获成功。Besides, the additional experiments of planting vegetables'in bag, pot or box have been successful.

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本文介绍了无土栽培中有机肥和有机基质的种类和作用。The report introduced type and function of manure and organic growing media used in soulless culture.

利用吊兰无土栽培系统对二级处理后的生活污水进行深度处理。The domestic wastewater advanced treatment with soilless cultivated bracketplant chlorophytum was studied.

介绍了在设施条件下生产绿色蔬菜的有机生态型无土栽培技术。This paper introduced under the facilities organic ecotype soilless planting technique of the green vegetable.

对无土栽培的环境设施调控,应考虑哪些主要的环境因素?Which environmental factors must be considered while regulating and controlling the environment of soilless culture?

介绍了水芹有机生态型无土栽培系统的建立,以及栽培管理技术要点。Introduced the eco-organic soilless culture system and culture management techiques of high yields of Oenanthe Javanica DC.

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比较系统地研究了有机生态型无土栽培技术在温室长季节番茄生产中的应用方法和效果。Applied method and effect of Eco organic type soilless culture techniques were studied in the long season greenhouse tomato.

纵向农场使用水耕法和空气种植法,NASA曾经研究无土栽培技术用与在太空中培育植物。Vertical farms use hydroponics and aeroponics, soil-free growing techniques once researched by NASA to grow plants in space.

本论文以丽格海棠为材料,通过盆栽试验,对丽格海棠的无土栽培进行系统的研究。This paper to Rieger Begonia for the materials, through the pot experiment, Rieger Begonia to the soilless cultivation systems.