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反贪机构的一名官员也将面临行政处分。An official of the anti-graft body will also face administrative sanction.

损坏公物或设备,必须赔偿或给予行政处分。Those who damage equipment shall pay for it or be subject to the administrative disciplinary action.

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三明知原行政处分违法或因重大过失而不知者。Acknowledge of the illegality of the administrative action or lack of such acknowledge due to gross negligent.

购买没收的走私货物、物品的,责令退还,并可以给予行政处分。Those who have done so shall be made to return the goods and articles, and may be subject to disciplinary actions.

国家新闻出版总署还称违反规定的公司将面临”行政处分“,不分具体详情。GAPP said companies which violated the regulation would face "administrative punishment" without offering specifics.

尚不够刑事处罚的,依法给予行政处分。if the case is not serious for criminal punishments, they shall be given administrative sanctions in accordance with law.

罪犯的身体健康权的缺损应通过刑罚处罚、行政处分、民事损害赔偿和刑事赔偿等主要手段予以救济。The flaws should be relieved by means such as penalty, disciplinary sanction, civil compensation and criminal compensation.

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我国现行的公务员行政处分救济制度是单一的行政救济方式。The current relief system of administrative sanction against civil servants in our country exists in one single relief form.

第一百六十九条责任追究形式包括行政处理和行政处分。Article 169. Forms of investigating and affixing responsibilities include administrative handling and administrative sanctions.

受到撤职以下行政处分的交通警察,应当降低警衔。The police rank of any traffic policeman who is imposed upon an administrative sanction below removal from post shall be degraded.

因条码工作机构及工作人员的失误,给系统成员造成重大损失的,依法给予行政处分。Where material losses occur due to the lapsus of the working organ of barcode or its staff, a administrative punishment shall be given.

行政处分分为警告、记过、记大过、降级、撤职、开除。Administrative sanctions include a warning, record of demerit, record of a major demerit, demotion, removal from office, discharge, etc.

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在这22人中,有三人因渎职罪被移送司法机关处理,其他19人受到行政处分。Of the 22 officials, three were transferred to judicial departments for malfeasance, while the other 19 received administrative punishments.

国家工作人员有前款所列行为的,还应当依法给予行政处分。A state functionary who commits any of the acts as mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall be given an administrative sanction in addition.

情节严重的,对主管人员和直接责任人员给予行政处分。If the circumstances are serious, administrative punishment shall be imposed upon the personnel in charge and the personnel directly responsible.

一以诈欺、胁迫或贿赂方法,使原行政处分机关作成行政处分者。To make the agency which the administrative action was made to issue an administrative action via using the method of falsity , threat, or bribery.

第四十一条信访人妨碍信访秩序的,信访工作机构可以给予批评,也可以建议其所在单位给予批评或者依法给予行政处分。Article 41 Complainants who have violated the order of the complaint reporting may be subject to reproval by the complaint reporting handling office.

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第六十五条侵夺发明人或者设计人的非职务发明创造专利申请权和本法规定的其他权益的,由所在单位或者上级主管机关给予行政处分。Article 65. Where any person usurps the right of an inventor or creator to apply for a patent for a non-service invention-creation, or usurps any other ri.

拒绝协助代表执行代表职务的,有关单位应当予以批评教育,直至给予行政处分。Any one, who refuses to assist a representative in the performance of functions, shall be given criticism, inculcation or administrative sanction by the related unit.

破产企业的法定代表人对企业破产负有主要责任的,给予行政处分。Where the legal representative of the bankrupt enterprise bears the major responsibility for the bankruptcy of the enterprise, administrative sanctions shall be applied.