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你的烘干机接好地线了吗?。Is your dryer properly earthed?

连接至汽车底盘地线。Connect to vehicle chassis ground.

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那条黄绿两色的线是地线。The green and yellow wire is the earth.

音响电路中负责送回信号的线叫做地线。The return wire in an audio circuit is called ground.

美式电插头有两个火线插脚,一个地线插脚。US electrical plugs have two live pins and one ground.

有电电线、无电电线和地线的颜色都不一样。There is a different color for the live, neutral and earth wires.

1728年,奥伊勒绘出了曲面上测地线的微方程。In 1728 Euler gave differential equations for geodesics on surfaces.

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严禁将地线接在零线或自来水管上。Strictly prohibited ground connected to the zero line or water pipe.

测地线拱顶是一个全面建设的许多直幅片面。A geodesic dome is a round building made of many straight-sided pieces.

应用“曲面上最短弧为测地线”的事实进行了讨论。Discussion is based on the fact that the shortest arc on surface is geodesic.

但是,还没有人采取了行动,富勒的思想之一的测地线拱顶。However, no one yet has acted on one of Fuller's ideas for the geodesic dome.

我们人已经够坏的地线,我们是否要使它更坏?We people on the Eath are already bad enough, do we have to make it more bad?

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单极开关不能与地线的导电线联结。A single-pole switch shall not be connected in the neutral grounded conductor.

UPS的地线必须与有效的接地系统连接。The earth wire of the UPS must then be connected to an efficient earth system.

它连接了音频设备的底盘和建筑物的地线。It connects the chassis of the sound equipment to the building's electrical ground.

机器人平台靠两组独立的电池运行,它们共享一根地线。The robot platform runs off of two separate battery packs, which share only a ground.

以测地线为裁剪线进行裁剪设计,得到充气膜结构的施工下料尺寸。The air-supported membrane structures were compared with the tension one in this paper.

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地线的连接要注意要在大电流情况下,地线仍然保持低阻抗和低感抗状态比较好。The ground connection has to be of low resistance and low inductance due to high current.

提出了一种基于测地线的机器人轨迹规划方法。Because arc length of trajectory is regarded as the variant in geodesics based method, it.

其中的一条线用来载送敏感信号,另一条线是地线。One of the wires in the pair carries the sensitive signal, and the other wire is grounded.