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他们在山雨欲来的天空下行进。They are marching under a threatening sky.

我知道,其实,落一场这样的山雨很普通。普通得犹如其中的每一滴雨水。I know such a rain in the mountain is as ordinary as every drop in it.

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英镑汇率跌至30年来的低点似是山雨来临前的风。The tumbling of the pound to 30-year lows offered a taste ofwhat is to come.

这场山雨真好,淋来了一场邂逅,淋来了一场电影,淋来了一次惬意的释放。The mountain rain comes nicely, bringing an encounter, a film and a cozy release.

山雨过后,洪涌瀑注,飞腾叫啸,蔚为壮观。The mountain rain from now on, Hong Yongbao the note, will soar howls, splendid sight.

走在菲律宾莱特山雨林的边陲地带,会听见从远处传来的微弱的声音。In the Leyte Mountains of the Philippines, along the edge of the rainforest, small sounds travel far.

而我的耳朵也慢慢失去了轮廓,它似乎变得无处不在——在被山雨包围的山林和寺庙上空,缓慢而享受的听著。Also my ears, which lost their shape, were becoming omnipresent—in the forest surrounding by the rain, over the temple—listening and enjoying very slowly.

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与山雨不同,脚下的土地永远也无法左右我们前进的方向。穿越人生时空的漫漫旅程,我们却无法走向最终的归宿。The way we go is not decided by where our feet touch ground and, unlike the mountain rain, traveling through time and space does not necessarily take us everywhere.

回顾08年,风云突变,山雨欲来。面对这纷烦的经济新环境,我们在稳步中求发展,仍然取得了令人满意的成绩。Review the year 2008 when many changes happened to the world. We were seeking for development in the face of new economic environment and still made satisfactory achievements.

对于山雨欲来的渗入骨髓的大灾变的恐惧在酷爱享乐的生活圈子里面散发开来,从前的纸牌游戏和不断的寻欢作乐不再,慢慢演变成了政治讨论。The fear of an encroaching cataclysm soon penetrated the coterie of high-living, fun-loving friends, and political discussion was slowly replacing the card games and bouts of merry-making.

树屋旅馆位于西雅图以南80英里处草木苍翠的雷尼尔山雨林中,建在50英尺高处的一棵200岁的红香柏树上。Cedar Creek Treehouse is 80 miles south of Seattle and is set 50 feet up in a 200-year-old western red cedar tree, right in the canopy of a lush temperate rainforest on the base of Mount Rainier.

中国出口导向型的经济增长模式依赖于一个现成的被中国产品占领的市场,欧元区山雨欲来的经济衰退将对此产生影响。Beijing's export-led model of economic growth depends on having a ready market for the goods being churned out by Chinese factories, so the impending recession in the eurozone will have an impact.