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我已经得到了他的近作。I have already got his latest work.

许多读者对她的近作很不满意。Many readers were offended with her latest book.

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我想,对于肖红近作的解读,话题可以由此而展开。I think we can start from this topic to interpret Xiao Hong's recent works.

她的近作,女孩最好,则对古往今来的女性做出的受人忽视的成就作了全面的回顾。Her latest, Girls Are Best, is a knockabout look at the overlooked achievements of women down the ages.

他的近作粗制滥造。他似乎自以为是名作家便可免遭物议!His latest book is rubbish. He seems to think that because he's a famous author he can get away with murder!

在了解了这些背景之后,我们便可以展开对雷燕近作的解读。After knowing about these backgrounds, we can proceed with the interpretations of the latest works by Lei Yan.

我喜欢独特的合理性,喜欢贵州的董重挂在画室的这批近作。I like unique reasonableness, and I like this batch of recent paintings hanging in Dong Zhong's Guizhou studio.

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1986年春初,天成访日筹备画展前,途经上海,又向我展示了他的数幅近作。On his way to Japan in the early spring of 1986, Tiancheng stopped by Shanghai and showed me some of his new works.

这是陈逸飞的一张近作,他是中国的艺术家,刚从威尼斯国际画展回来。This is the latest work by Chen Yifei, our local artist. He just returned from the International Exhibition in Venice.

她的近作多以布料缝制,旨在不断探讨有关文化身份的问题。Machine-sewn with fabric, her recent works are conceived to be a continuing exploration on the issue of cultural identity.

但是,当我们看到他这两年来北京发展后创作的近作时,却更多地感受到一种难以捉摸的沉静和冷漠。But when we see his recent artworks after his coming in Beijing for further development, we feel more elusive sense of quiet and indifference.

这次展览将展出十二位关注孟加拉达卡当下生活的孟加拉新生摄影师们的近作。This exhibition will present recent photographs taken by twelve emerging Bangladeshi photographers concerning contemporary life in Dhaka, Bangladesh.

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巴若教授近作「奇特的漠然」引起不少人的兴趣和好奇,他希望能抛砖引玉,使「英国人的中国观」这项议题更为澄明。Professor Barrett hopes his book will stimulate further work that can give us an even clearer picture of the development of the British view of China.

每位参加者需准备一段近作影片,卡斯帕.史察克将会为大家找出最合适的场地装置方案。Each participant will work with a given a set of multiple channel video files from a recently completed artwork with the task to find a suitable installation layout.

即使所有内容都网上,人们也期望得到纸质书籍,如果是“你的近作”会更好,在手中的书本相对于屏幕上的看起来短暂的文本显得更真实迷人。If it is "your latest book" so much the better. There is just something about a book in the hand that is so much more "real" and "engaging" than the seemingly ephemeral text on a screen.

在徐邠近作中出现的昆虫来源于他对少年时代的怀念和学习传统水墨画时沉浸在草虫带来的不可言说的愉悦感。The insects that appear in Xu Bin's latest collection come from youthful reminiscences intertwined with the artist's immersion in the study of classical Chinese ink paintings as a child.