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因此,因材施教,进行分级教学是十分有必要的。Therefore, teach Students in accordance of their aptitude is essential.

声乐教学首先要因材施教,要做到对不同的学生,都要有行之有效的训练方法。According to the first vocal music teaching abilities, there must be effective training methods.

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最后一部分为结论,概括教师进行情感教育必须因材施教,并善于观察,捕捉反馈信息和自我反思。The teachers must be good at observing, seizing the information feedback and learn to self-reflect.

在集体备课的基础上,各任课教师可以根据本班学生的不同情况因材施教,并制作独立的课件。Each teacher is to work on his or her own teaching plan on the basis of the collective teaching plan.

研究内蒙古这样偏远,教育不发达这样地区教师怎样因材施教的论文更少。Of Inner Mongolia, a remote, underdeveloped education teachers how individualized this region less paper.

创造回归临床的基地建设、培养医教研全面发展的教师队伍、做好教材建设、因材施教。Clinical practice base is constructed. Team of the teaching staff for both teaching and research is built.

几千年前,孔子就有“因材施教”的概念。Thousands of years ago Confucius had the notion of teaching students according to their specific aptitude.

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一名具有高尚师德的教师,须是一个因材施教,公正公平对待每一名学生的教师。A noble teacher's ethics teacher, is a according to their aptitude, justice fair to each student's teacher.

因材施教能使学生的个性才能得到最大限度的发挥。Teach students in accordance with their aptitude and enable them to develop their personalities limitlessly.

我们应当因材施教,不能硬性要求所有学生都按照死板的规程去学。We should teach the students in accordance with their aptitude, not place all of them on the bed of Procrustes.

只有老师才能帮助学生获得因材施教的教育。It is as clear as crystal that those only teachers could enable the students to receive the custom-tailored education.

现实生活中,老师的本领就是观察学生的表现,因材施教。A real teacher’s expertise is reading a student’s performance and seeing the patterns to determine what the student needs.

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我觉得由于所带学生的年龄层不同,所以在教学当中一定要注意因材施教。Since students differ in ages, we should pay attention to the so called "teaching students in accordance with their aptitude".

卓南思还表示,这一地区,包括部分珀维尔和奥罗拉地区,每位老师要教的学生人数可能会增加到31人,“这会给课堂上的因材施教带来更大的困难。”The district, which includes parts of Naperville and Aurora, may increase class sizes to 31 students per teacher, Dranias said.

学生是处于发展中的人,应根据学生身心发展的规律,依照阶段性、个别差异性、可变性把握教育对象,做到因材施教、长善救失。Students are at the stage of development so that the teaching activity should be carried out in accordance with the students' level.

面对来源不同的众多生源,如何因材施教让他们发掘自身的潜能?Facing to many students from different locations, how does teach according to their ability to let them discover their own potential?

因材施教、以人为本与强调个性为核心的教育主体观。Third, the concept of education main body by suiting the instruction to the students' level, student-oriented and character-centered.

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最后说明教师应如何为学优生设计练习,从而达到因材施教之目的。Finally, we illustrated how to design practices for the gifted students and thus achieve the goal of "teaching according to students' ability".

孔子的因材施教与学思结合的教学思想对当今的教育具有十分重要的现实意义和科学的指导意义。Confucius Xuesi abilities combined with the teaching of thinking of today's education is of great practical significance and scientific significance.

残疾儿童的教育与一般课堂教学并无二致,也需要因材施教。Working with children with disabilities requires an individualized instructional plan similar to the plan used for all children in a regular classroom.