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你可不想打扰别人卿卿我我,对吧?。You wouldn't want to bother any love birds right?

举起手中的这杯酒,让缠缠绵绵、卿卿我我的热情进行到底。Hold the cup of wine in hand and celebrate with enthusiasm.

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我就是不喜欢卿卿我我的,我该怎么告诉他呢?How can I tell him that I just don't like being lovey-dovey?

两人假意卿卿我我,实则决定冒险行动。Two people love false very much in love, but decided to venture.

和你最新的恋人在复印件后面卿卿我我也是不合时宜的。Nor is it OK to snuggle up behind the copier with your latest crush.

他们老混在一起,眉来眼去,卿卿我我的。They've been spending a lot of time together, nudge nudge, wink wink.

今天我去看电影,我的前女友跟某个人一直在前面卿卿我我的。FML。Today, I sat through a movie watching my ex girlfriend and some guy making out in front of me. FML.

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终于在纽约街头找到他当年的爱人祝英台,而她正和马文才卿卿我我。Finally in the streets of new york to find his lover zhu yingtai year , and she is and mawencaiqingqingwowo.

谈恋爱卿卿我我,好不浪漫,但是每天打开报纸,情杀的案件一大堆。Accompany each other intimately in love it really romantic, but picks up a newspaper, the case of a lot of passion.

说明白些,在第七季首映集中,他不但会甜蜜微笑,开怀大笑,还跟他那纠结了不知道多久的前世冤家Cuddy在沙滩上头卿卿我我。In fact, in the premiere, we’ll see him smiling, laughing, and canoodling on the beach with at-long-last ladylove Cuddy.

初恋时,总是有一些卿卿我我的镜头,每一次想起来,甜甜的味道涌上心头,使你的味觉失灵。First love, always some Qing my camera lens, each recall , sweet taste is thought of , make your sense of taste do not work.

记得第一天我就想,我会疯狂地爱上某个男孩,以后就在耳鬓厮磨、卿卿我我和跳华尔兹舞中度过几年时光。I remember thinking on the first day I was going to fll madly in love with one of the boys and spend in next years of my life kissing and waltzing.

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现代侠女为爱而背叛猫哥,把公路当作江湖,最终却选择浪迹天涯而非卿卿我我。A modern heroine who betrays Brother Cat for love, she treats the road as the world, but eventually chooses to roam the world over romantic intimacy.

前世种下的恩恩怨怨、卿卿我我,缠缠绵绵,今生只为佳人却难以割舍,只道相应恨晚,莫须感伤情怀。Previous kind of gratitude and grudges, whispers of love, tangled up, just as a person has to leave, only the corresponding happened too late, not sentimental.

虽然不能像别的恋人一样天天卿卿我我,但能在一起快乐地度过周末,对叶晴来说已经很满足了。They’re not far from each other, although they can’t be very much in love every day like other love birds. Ye Qing feels contented that they can spend weekends together.

厥后,我回尝试室看书,适逢一师第与女友在内卿卿我我,只好退出,在四牌坊找了一座。Afterward, I return to laboratory to read a book and happen to be a teacher with girl friend at inside very much in love, have to withdraw, sought 1 in four ornamental archways.

斯皮尔的记录中提到,尽管任何在公众面前表现得卿卿我我都是严厉禁止的,可一到晚上,那对情侣便会“双双消失在楼上的房间里”。Speer recorded how, although any public displays of affection were rigorously avoided, at the end of the evening the couple would “disappear together into the upstairs bedroom.”

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当我们在和妈妈爸爸谈天说地,卿卿我我的时候,他却不能和父母团聚,他甚至几年都不能与父母见一次面。When we daddy are talking of this and that with mother, is very affectionate, he actually cannot reunite with the parents, his several years cannot even see surface with the parents.

灵千幻看见夜犬和四妹在一起“卿卿我我”,立刻勃然大怒,下令说夜犬和九妹的婚事就当没说过。Spirit thousand unreal to see night dogs and four younger sister together kissing, immediately flew into a rage and ordered that night and nine younger sisters marriage be never said.

据这家杂志的报道,两人被目击在西好莱坞的一家酒吧里卿卿我我,“他们看起来相当登对,卡梅隆牵着他的手,爱抚个没完。”According to Us Weekly, the two were seen at a West Hollywood club getting very cozy together. "They looked super couple-y, " says a source. "Cameron was holding his hand and nuzzling him.