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不要责怪任何人。Don’t blame anybody.

我责怪陀思妥耶夫斯基。I blame Dostoyevsky.

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他们责怪制裁。They blame sanctions.

我们要去责怪谁呢?And who we gunna blame?

谁又能责怪他们呢?And who could blame them?

他们责怪她。They affixed blame to her.

我们现在开始责怪谁呢?And who we gunna blame now?

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不,我并不为那事责怪他。No, I don't blame him for it.

杰克心烦意乱,责怪他自己。Jack is upset and blames himself.

语调是埋怨责怪的那种。The tone was bitter and accusatory.

他责怪菲奥娜让他过了一个糟糕的周末。He blamed Fiona for a lousy weekend.

他责怪他的儿子懒惰。He reproached his son with laziness.

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谁能责怪他们的不暴躁?Who can blame them for being cranky?

我并不因为他寻花问柳而责怪他。I didn't fault a man for chasing tail.

她没法去责怪可怜的马儿。She could hardly blame the poor horse.

责怪和自己见地不同的人。Rebuking people who disagree with them.

你想了解腊肠犬,谁会责怪你?So, you want to learn about Dachshunds.

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我不许你责怪你自己。I forbid you to reprove and scold yourself.

上帝选择不因我们的罪而责怪我们。God chooses not to hold our sins against us.

嘿,木已成舟。别再责怪自己了。Hey, the die is cast. Stop blaming yourself.