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这一地区林木繁密。This area is densely wooded.

这片土地曾经被繁密的森林覆盖着。The land was once covered with luxuriant forests.

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那朵红莲,被那繁密的雨点,打得左右攲斜。The red lotus, the dense rain, played around Qi oblique.

天空中仍然是繁密的云群,没有一丝阳光的迹象,湖仍然是愤怒的湖,没有一点改变。No ray of sun comes through the clouds to strike the surface of an angry lake.

老虎自己住在繁密的大山上而猫却要依靠人。Tigers live by themselves on wooded mountains while cats are dependent on man.

生活在繁密的草原的牛能生产更好的天然肠线么?Do cows raised in climates that produce lush pastures produce better natural gut?

那朵红莲,被那繁密的雨点,打得左右攲斜。As the raindrops fell more densely, the red lotus flower began to sway from side to side.

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繁密的金属线条与传统华丽的立面形成对比。The intricate linear bands are a modern contrast that reflects the traditional ornate façade.

所以,挑选几盆花朵繁密,花期长久的盆栽放在室内,最好放在你呆得最久的地方。Select a few longlasting and plentiful bloomers and put them in places where you spend the most time.

在周围有更多的绿色,发达的公路网。我会给我父母买一套公寓。努力工作,生活繁密。More green in the surroundings, well- developed road network. I would buy my parents an apartment. Work hard, live intense.

因此墙头往往堆积着繁密的叶和花,与墙腰的部分不相称。Therefore, there were often thick piles of rich leaves and flowers on top of the wall, far superior to the middle part of the wall.

我浸在这繁密的花朵的光辉中,别的一切暂时都不存在,有的只是精神的宁静和生的喜悦。I am immersed in the brilliance of these dense flowers, now other things all not exist temporarily for me, merely having a sense of immaterial quiet and happy of surviving.

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一位从巴黎来的电视制片人来到了梅村,他看到了荷花,于是,他在法国电视台报道,梅村的荷花盛开,繁密得象大片蘑菇。A television man from Paris came to Plum Village and he saw some lotus flowers, and he reported on French television that lotus flowers bloom like mushrooms in Plum Village.

樱桃树躯干不大,却有层云般的花冠和繁茂的枝节,这些繁密的花儿将结出丰硕的果。Though the trunks of the cherry trees are not large, they have cloud-like crowns and exuberant branches and twigs, which are bending with fruits especially in the harvest season.

此时,画面上开始出现规则有序、平衡对称的图形,由弧形的线条所组成的框架编结而成,线条上覆盖以繁密的圆点群。From then on, well-balanced, symmetrical patterns started to appear in his paintings in an orderly manner, where lines and stripes are covered with closely-knitted groups of dots.

阳光,从一片繁密的枝桠、叶片间渗透进来,被丛林染成了淡绿,好像天鹅绒般柔和。The sunlight filtered through a vast intricate web of leaves and fronds and vines and trees, until it absorbed the color of the jungle and became at last a green shimmering wash of velvet.