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到科比展现终结者本色的时候了。Time for Kobe to go Kyra.

喊出淋漓尽致的英雄本色!Shout out your inner-hero!

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这就是一位英雄的本色。This is what a hero looks like.

本色耐酸碱胶板。Acid & Alkali bearing rubber sheet.

千难万险只一刻,英雄本色惊四方。Her qualities of a hero astound the world.

橄榄绿色是军人的本色!The olive green is serviceman's true colors!

一个标题吸引了我的注意,“英雄本色!”And a heading attracted my attention, A Hero!

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它披着本色外衣,亲切温暖地包裹起我们。It 's grey coat, wrap up our cordial and warm.

这位母亲让我见识了什么是真正的英雄本色。That mom showed me what a real hero looks like.

金星俄产等本色浆。Venus, the Russian dle class, such as the color.

沧海横流,方显出英雄本色!Sea cross-flow, the heroic qualities of the show!

酷有自我风格,独佔的丽质本色。Cool has ego style, exclusivity of beauty is ecru.

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展现本色——毕竟你因此才获得这份工作Show your true colors—it got you the job, after all.

你记得在英雄本色里梅尔吉勃逊的那一句台词吗?Do you remember the line by Mel Gibson in Braveheart?

在加勒比海炽热的混凝土路面上,他依然保持本色,赤足而行。His feet were still bare on the hot Caribbean concrete.

沧海横流,方显出英雄本色。When the seas are in turmoil, heroes are on their mettle.

“本色”是中国戏曲理论中的一个重要概念。"Ben se" is an important concept in Chinese drama theory.

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窗前云鬓,镜中花黄,是木兰的女儿本色。Yunbin, the mirror is yellow, Mulan 's daughter qualities.

纯洁的菁华来自于自然本色的凝聚、沉积。Pure essence comes from the condensation of original nature.

这些包括基本色,金属、镜面和粗糙度。These include Base Color, Metallic, Specular, and Roughness.