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为了您的棉衣今天!Order your Parka today!

你们有没有棉衣卖?Do You Carry Any Padded Coat?

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她就是我所需要的那件温暖的棉衣。She was the warm coat I needed.

你可以不穿棉衣在外面玩耍。You can play outside with no winter coat.

他把那件棉衣整个裹在我身上。He then wrapped pieces of cotton in my whole body.

我们的战士都发了厚棉衣。All our troops were issued thick cotton-padded coats.

她把我们的棉衣都装在一个大箱子里了。She packed all our cotton-padded clothes in the trunk.

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买棉衣时最好要考虑到它们的缩水率。It is better to allow for shrinkage when buying cotton clothes.

这么薄的棉衣在高山上挡不住寒风。Such a thin padded coat cannot ward off the cold mountain wind.

是的,他们不需要一个冰箱、烤箱、火炉、棉衣,也不需要电视以及互联网,当你进入他们的住所时,甚至连一个抽水马桶也没有。And rightly so. Skeins of yard don’t need a refrigerator, oven, or stove.

很多棉衣都有相应不同的水平和等级。Many cotton-padded clothes have corresponding different level and the level.

如果多穿几件棉衣就能保暖那颗冰冷的心,那我愿意承受棉衣的重量。I would like to bear the weight of the coats , if they can warm my icy heart.

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纷纷扬扬的大雪给环城公园的树木穿上了“棉衣”。The flying snowflakes have put heavy coats on the trees of the city ring park.

今天的天气冷,棉衣穿了不少。小泪子加油。Today's cold, cotton-padded clothes to wear a lot. Tears filling the small sub.

过了一会儿,我们就回到了家里,妈妈给我穿上了一件棉衣,我十分感动。After a while, we returned home, my mother gave me to wear a coat, I was touched.

刚出生不久的小兔冻得瑟瑟发抖,母亲给他穿了厚厚的棉衣。New born bunny shivering from the cold, his mother gave him to wear a thick coat.

如果在户外工作,厚重一点的皮棉衣则是比较好的选择。If in the outdoor work, a little thick skin cotton-padded clothes is better choice.

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穿过竹布衣服的人说,竹衣和棉衣一样舒服。Those who wear clothes made from bamboo say that they are as comfortable as cotton.

玉奴在院子里不满自己的棉衣棉花少,跟下人吵架。Jade slave in the yard with his cotton-padded clothes cotton less, with our quarrel.

明天应该很是冷,我需要拿出我的厚棉衣了。Tomorrow is supposed to be mind-numbingly cold. I need to get out my heavy winter jacket.