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他是一位地位显要的人物。He is a very important man.

邀请显要人物剪彩。Dignitaries are invited to cut ribbons.

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许多报纸都以显要的位置刊登了他的照片。His picture was splattered in many papers.

她认为成为显要人物类似于当一只青蛙。She says that being a somebody is like being a frog.

西莉亚双眼径直望着坐在前两排的显要人物。Celia looked down directly at the two executive rows.

我们的国会会议总是我一周中最显要的部分。Our caucus meetings were always the highlight of my week.

Soane的设计为画廊证明了高度显要。Soane's design for the gallery proved highly influential.

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驻华大使是美国最显要的外交职位之一。The Beijing ambassadorship is one of the highest-profile U.

谷歌变成了后端技术,突然间变得不那么显要了。Google is the back-end technology that is suddenly less visible.

那也是你不会看见一个显要人物来我这里静心的原因。That's why you don't see dignitaries coming to me and to my meditations.

很久以前,巨富显要们都骑高头大马。Long ago, people who were rich or important rode horses that were very tall.

驻华大使是美国最显要的外交职位之一。The Beijing ambassadorship is one of the highest-profile U.S. diplomatic posts.

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他是美国前国防部长,也是民主党的显要人物。He is a former defence secretary of the United States and a grandee of the Democratic Party.

虽然它不及伦敦那么显要,但作为一个在全世界来说都称得上最美丽的城市,巴黎永远有她的吸引力。It’s not as important as London, but there will always be a market for this most beautiful of cities.

除了修道人和皇亲显要以外,观音菩萨更是许多平民老百姓所依归的对象。In addition to cultivators, kings and officials, many common people also rely on Guan Yin Bodhisattva.

让她誉满天下的得体和实用主义会阻碍她成为显要人物吗。Will the propriety and pragmatism that got her there keep her from becoming the mogul she wants to be?

虽然我现在已经不再是乘务员了,但我的“天使翅膀”仍然被摆放在办公室的显要位置。Though I am no longer a flight attendant, my "angel wings" are still on prominent display in my office.

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这幅广告牌是新华社向纽约媒体界更显要位置移动的突出表现。For Xinhua, the billboard highlights its shift into more visible position in New York's media landscape.

格律学里,韵文之有节奏感而显要的重读音节,通常有规则交替发生。In prosody, a rhythmically significant stress on the syllables of a verse, usually at regular intervals.

这一“美”的定义,以及“美”与都市显要地位的联系,并非中国文化独有。This de?nition of beauty and its connection with high-status urbanites is not unique to Chinese culture.