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上校军阶高于上尉。A colonel ranks a captain.

这位将军被免去了军阶。The general was stripped of his rank.

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他被提升到上尉军阶。He was promoted to the rank of captain.

皇家空军官员及其他军阶。Royal air force officers and other ranks.

中校军阶高于少校。A lieutenant- colonel ranks above a major.

这个年轻的军官是从最低级的军阶晋升上来的。The young officer came up from the lowest rank.

所有的军阶和战场声望无效了么?Are all ranks and battleground reputations gone?

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表示军阶和服役的v形袖章。V-shaped sleeve badge indicating military rank and service.

他暂任少校,但他真正的军阶是上尉。He is temporarily a major but his substantive rank is captain.

在英国军队里,王冠,星星和条形徽是军阶的标志。In the British Army, crown, stars and stripes are signs of military rank.

官兵都不佩戴任何表明军阶或所属单位的符号。Neither officer nor soldier wore any insignia showing either rank or unit.

一言以蔽之,依照新公式,你愈来愈难升军阶了。In short, due to new formula, it is more and more difficult to upgrade your military rank.

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因为他们军阶较低,现在并未查到他们详细的背景资料。Due to their low military ranks, these sailors' background information is somewhat deficient.

德国士兵作为俘虏时,如果被询问,可以说出自己的姓名和军阶。If a German soldier is made a prisoner of war he will tell his name and rank if he is asked for it.

作战时,冲锋队军官穿着标准冲锋队盔甲,但戴有标识军阶的军衔章。In battle, commissioned stormtrooper officers wore standard stormtrooper armor with rank insignia to indicate status.

隔着不远,这临时搭就的平台上还有一位身着军阶制服的军官,他不但全副武装且他是一个上尉。At a short remove upon the same temporary platform was an officer in the uniform of his rank, armed. He was a captain.

格兰特一生都十分注重军阶和贵族血统,这一特征可以从一定程度上解释他对待一般公民的偏见。Grant put great emphasis on rank and nobility throughout his life, a trait which would lead to his bias against common citizens.

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他曾是最初被晋升为帝国十二元帅的军官之一,该军阶由帕尔帕丁皇帝在雅汶之战两年之前创制。He was one of the original twelve Grand Admirals, raised to that newly-created rank by Emperor Palpatine two years before the Battle of Yavin.

他曾是最初被晋升为帝国十二元帅的军官之一,该军阶由帕尔帕丁皇帝在雅汶之战两年之前创制。He was one of the original twelve Grand Admirals, appointed to that newly created rank by Emperor Palpatine two years before the Battle of Yavin.

“他到底比我的军阶更高,”德国佬——骠骑兵团团长,涨红了脸,对着向前走来的副官说道,“他愿意干什么事,就让他干什么事。"He is my senior in rank, however, " said the German colonel of the hussars, growing very red and addressing an adjutant, who had ridden up. "So let him do as he likes.