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所有动物一律平等。All animals are equal.

小标题一律居中。Please centre the subheads.

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不过,欧巴马一律冷处理。But Mr Obama is playing it cool.

一律使用近期一寸正面免冠照片。Please use recent one-inch ID photos.

她服装得整一律却无处夸口。She is hasl dressed up nowhere to go.

车辆一律靠右走。All vehicles should keep to the right.

与敌人勾结者一律枪决。Any one who collaborates should be shot.

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我们认为所有国家都应一律平等。We hold that all nations should be equal.

他们不要一律平等和严密的组织。They don't want equality and regimentation.

光子炮,便是那个小手一律澳门新澳门赌场东西。Photon Cannons, or the little hand thingies.

卡车或带拖车的机动车一律靠右行驶。Trucks Or Vehicles With Trailers Keep Right.

考试费一律不退还。Fees paid are non-refundable nor transferable.

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不论远近车费一律拾元。A uniform fare of ten dollars for any distance.

第一百六十三条宣告判决,一律公开进行。All pronouncements of judgments shall be public.

把一部电影的每一个画面都一律陈设到一个画面里。Put each frame of a movie tidily into one picture.

是的,住店客人早餐一律免费。Yes, we do. Breakfast is free for all hotel guests.

考试费一律不退,报名费中包括邮费。The fees include the postage and will not be refunded.

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本店商品,一律敞开供应,没有限量。Goods in our store are all for sale without limitation.

顾客受到的一切损失或损害将一律得到赔偿。The customer will be reimbursed for any loss or damage.

全团人一律沉默不语,面色阴郁。All the men of the regiment were alike gloomy and silent.