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让老板不断留意你的汗马功劳。Keep you boss aware of your accomplishments.

我特意列举了一大串事实,说明我为福特汽车公司立下了汗马功劳。I recited a list of my accomplishments on behalf of the Ford Motor Company.

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几年前,范布伦为杰克逊入主白宫立下了汗马功劳。Years before, Van Buren had done much himself to elect Jackson to the White House.

同志们,找到气味,主人不会忘却我们的汗马功劳。Find and scent, my compadres and you too, shall have much rewarding from the master.

同志们,找到气味,主人不会忘记我们的汗马功劳。Find and scent, my compadres and you too, shall have much rewarding from the master.

她的父亲叫威廉斯玛特,是曾为国家立下汗马功劳的军人。Willians Mart, her father, was once a soldier who had contributed a lot to the country.

火箭炮的射程远,杀伤力强,在战争中立下汗马功劳。Bazookas have a long range and are very destructive, they make a strong contribution in wars.

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霍去病是汉代著名的大将,在对匈奴的战争中立下汗马功劳。Huo Qubing was a famous general in the Han Dynasty who made a great contribution to the war against Xiongnu.

吉布森上赛季为曼联打了14场,为联赛杯的夺冠立下汗马功劳。Gibson made 14 appearances for the Reds last season, playing an integral part in United's Carling Cup triumph.

它还为改善赛车运动的形象和增加其观众立下了汗马功劳。It has made great contributions to improve the images of the auto racing sport and increased the number of audiences.

所以,彼得大帝,虽然为俄帝国的扩张立下汗马功劳,仍旧没能夺取黑海的入海口So, Peter the Great, despite his dramatic expansion of the Russian empire, does not get this outlet on the Black Sea.

当人们刚刚跨入2007年之际,为中国大洋考察事业立下汗马功劳的“大洋一号”又一次起航了……On the coming of 2007, Dayang Yihao which has contributed a lot to Chinese ocean exploration research is ready to set sail again.

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过去两个赛季以来,弗洛卡里一直是亚特兰大的引路灯。他在贝尔加莫球场立下的汗马功劳也让他名声大振。Floccari has been a leading light for Atalanta for the last two seasons and has made a name for himself with his exploits in Bergamo.

这部充满神秘、悲剧色彩的影片为承受了整整十年外国影片冲击的美国电影工业的复兴立下汗马功劳。This mythic, tragic film contributed to a resurgence in the American film industry, after a decade of competition from cinema abroad.

曼联首席执行官大卫吉尔高度赞扬了俱乐部人才发掘者们在对曼联再次夺冠所立下的汗马功劳。United chief executive David Gill has saluted the club's talent scouts for the part they played in helping the Reds retain the title.

中国是蔷薇属植物主要分布区,中国野生蔷薇为现代月季立下了汗马功劳。China is the main distribution area of the rose-category plants, and China's wild rosebush contributes great to the modern China rose.

小加索尔在世锦赛和奥运会的比赛中都表现出色,为西班牙队获得好成绩立下汗马功劳。Small Gasol in the Olympic Games and World Championship competitions are excellent for the team to obtain good results in Spain twilight.

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“SA”翻译出来意为“风暴支队”,是纳粹党的准军事组织,为希特勒夺取政权立下过汗马功劳。Translated as "storm division, " the SA was the paramilitary organization of the Nazi Party, which played a key role in Hitler's rise to power.

诸葛亮北伐时期,魏延作为诸葛亮的左膀右臂,为蜀汉立下了汗马功劳。During the period of Zhuge Liang's northern expedition, Weiyan, as Zhuge's capable assistant had achieved war exploits for the kingdom of Shu Han.

那位意大利文艺复兴时期的学者和疑世者曾在他的著作中,告诫所有曾经为君主或国家立下汗马功劳的将帅要对自己将受怀疑有所准备。In his writings, the Italian Renaissance scholar and cynic advised that any general who had won a war for his prince or country should anticipate suspicion.