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紫外线辐射能炙烤皮肤,婚姻法司法解释三。引发皮肤癌。Ultraviolet radi can burn the skin as well as cause skin cancer.

此变化是婚姻法中一项新的司法解释的一部分。The change is part of a new judicial interpretation of the marriage law.

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竞选时他打着废除“不问,不说”政策和维护婚姻法案旗号。He campaigned on the promise of repealing "don't ask, don't tell" and DOMA.

他在南方周末辩护道,婚姻法不应该给民法提供例外。Marriage laws should not provide exceptions to the civil code, Mr. Yang said.

在这里输入译文但是中国的婚姻法在国人长期占据特殊的一席之地。Yet China’s Marriage Law has long occupied a special place in the nation’s psyche.

李银河教授曾建议在2001年新的婚姻法中加进惩处纳妾的条款。She lobbied for the marriage law passed in 2001 which criminalized having a concubine.

2001年婚姻法修正案首次将探望权制度确立在法律之中。The visitation rights were established in the amendments to the law of marriage in 2001.

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婚姻法规定,未进行结婚登记,就以夫妻身份同居者将不在法律保护之列。The regulation says any ones who lives together without the registration will not be protected by law.

取而代之的是,婚姻法得到修订,让配偶在离婚协议中较容易获得损害赔偿金。Instead, revisions to the marriage law make it easier for the spouse to collect damages in a divorce settlement.

可撤销婚姻制度作为我国婚姻法的一项新制度,其内容似嫌过简。As a new institution of the country's Law of Marriage, the content of eversible marriage institution seems too simple.

婚姻法修正案设立了探望权制度,填补了婚姻家庭制度的空白。The marriage law bill for amendment set up has visited the power system, has filled the conjugal family system's blank.

但是婚姻法专家说法院官员无视他们的意见,反而听从财产法的专家的意见。But marriage law specialists said court officials ignored their opinions, listening instead to property law specialists.

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婚姻法修正案设立了探望权制度,填补了婚姻家庭制度的空白。In the amendment of marriage law is established the system of visitation right, with makes up a gap in the marriage Law.

同性恋权利主义者,朱蒂斯.微克兹说,联邦政府表示墨西哥城的2007年同性婚姻法赋予了同性伴侣长久以来追求的权力。The federal government says that Mexico City’s 2007 civil unions law gives same-sex couples the rights they have been seeking.

为防止探望权的滥用,婚姻法规定了探望权的中止与恢复。To avoid the abuse of the visitation right, marriage law has prescribed the termination and resumption of the visitation right.

法院也同时废除了婚姻法中关于不同种族不可通婚的法律,并降低了其他的一系列障碍设置,甚至监狱里的服刑人员亦有结婚权利。Courts invalidated laws against interracial marriage, struck down other barriers and even extended marriage rights to prisoners.

我国婚姻法规定的男女结婚的最低年龄为男不得早于22周岁,女不得早于20周岁。According to the marriage law, no marriage may be contracted before the man has reached 22 years of age and woman 20 yeas of age.

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1950年中国政府制定中国的第一个婚姻法,禁止包办婚姻,纳妾和儿童订婚,并允许离婚,可是离婚要在“调解和劝告导”失败之后。In 1950, the Chinese government enacted China's first marriage law. It banned arranged marriages, concubinage and child betrothal.

这种婚姻法的高明之处在于,婚姻的期限恰好与结婚的费用成反比。The most impressive of this law of marriage lies in the inverse relationship between the time of marriage and the fees to be charged.

是否应对第三者课以民事责任成为这次婚姻法修改论争的焦点。One of the points at issue about the amendment to Marriage Law is that whether a civil liability should be imposed upon a third party.